CERN Accelerating science

Title The General ElectroN Induced Emission (GENIE) System
Author(s) Epps, Michael A ; Gueye, Paul ; Kazimi, Reza
Affiliation (GENIE)
Publication 2005
In: 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.3877
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract A real time beam diagnostic system is proposed for the Jefferson Lab injector region. The General ElectroN Induced Emission System (GENIE) is a package that includes both hardware (beam monitoring devices) and software (for 3D or 4D visualization of the beam transport). This beam diagnostic tool relies primarily on the use of (very small) scintillating fibers placed in different planes to extract the beam profile, beam position, beam current and beam emittance in real time. Accuracies in position and angle could be at the sub- μm and μrad levels, respectively. The beam current could be reconstructed within a few percent. A combined Geant4/Parmela simulation will be developed for beam optic studies. While Parmela offers the power of beam transport with phase matching capabilities (among others), Geant4 provides the power for tracking secondary particles, as well as 3D & 4D visualization. A phase I investigation of GENIE using a 100 keV beam line is discussed in this document.
