CERN Accelerating science

Title High Energy Gain IFEL at UCLA Neptune Laboratory
Author(s) Musumeci, Pietro ; Boucher, Salime ; Clayton, Chris ; Doyuran, Adnan ; England, Robert J ; Joshi, Chandrashekhar ; Pellegrini, Claudio ; Ralph, Joseph ; Rosenzweig, James E ; Sung, Chieh ; Tochitsky, Sergei Ya ; Tolmachev, Sergey ; Travish, Gil ; Varfolomeev, A ; Varfolomeev, Alexander ; Yarovoi, Timofey V ; Yoder, Rodney
Affiliation (RRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow) ; (UCLA, Los Angeles, California)
Publication 2005
In: 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.500
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract We report the observation of energy gain in excess of 20 MeV at the Inverse Free Electron Laser Accelerator experiment at the Neptune Laboratory at UCLA. A 14.5 MeV electron beam is injected in an undulator strongly tapered in period and field amplitude. The IFEL driver is a CO2 10.6 mkm laser with power larger than 400 GW. The Rayleigh range of the laser,   1.8 cm, is much shorter than the undulator length so that the interaction is diffraction dominated. A few per cent of the injected particles are trapped in a stable accelerating bucket. Electrons with energies up to 35 MeV are measured by a magnetic spectrometer. Simulations, in good agreement with the experimental data, show that most of the energy gain occurs in the first half of the undulator at a gradient of 70 MeV/m and that the structure in the measured energy spectrum arises because of higher harmonic IFEL interaction in the second half of the undulator.

 Запись создана 2006-02-09, последняя модификация 2024-02-23

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