| Operations and Performance of RHIC as a Cu-Cu Collider |
Pilat, Fulvia Caterina ; Ahrens, Leif ; Bai, Mei ; Barton, Donald ; Beebe-Wang, Joanne ; Blaskiewicz, Michael ; Brennan, Joseph M ; Bruno, Donald ; Cameron, Peter ; Connolly, Roger ; De Long, Joseph ; Drees, Angelika ; Fischer, Wolfram ; Ganetis, George ; Gardner, Chris J ; Glenn, Joseph ; Harvey, Margaret ; Hayes, Thomas ; Hseuh Hsiao Chaun ; Huang, Haixin ; Ingrassia, Peter ; Iriso, Ubaldo ; Lee, Roger C ; Litvinenko, Vladimir N ; Luo, Yun ; MacKay, William W ; Marr, Gregory J ; Marusic, Al ; Michnoff, Robert ; Montag, Christoph ; Morris, John ; Nicoletti, Tony ; Oerter, Brian ; Ptitsyn, Vadim ; Roser, Thomas ; Russo, Thomas ; Sandberg, Jon ; Satogata, Todd ; Schultheiss, Carl ; Tepikian, Steven ; Tomas, Rogelio ; Trbojevic, Dejan ; Tsoupas, Nicholaos ; Tuozzolo, Joseph ; Vetter, Kurt ; Zaltsman, Alex ; Zeno, Keith ; Zhang, S Y ; Zhang, Wu ყველა 49 ავტორის ჩვენება |
| (BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York) |
| 2005 |
| 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.4281 |
Subject category
| Accelerators and Storage Rings |
| The 5th year of RHIC operations, started in November 2004 and expected to last till June 2005, consists of a physics run with Cu-Cu collisions at 100 GeV/u followed by one with polarized protons at 100 GeV. We will address here overall performance of the RHIC complex used for the first time as a Cu-Cu collider, and compare it with previous operational experience with Au, PP and asymmetric d-Au collisions. We will also discuss operational improvements, such as a ?* squeeze to 85cm in the high luminosity interaction regions from the design value of 1m, system improvements and machine performance limitations, such as vacuum pressure rise, intra-beam scattering, and beam beam interaction. |