CERN Accelerating science

Title Beam Diagnostics Instrumentation for the High Energy Beam Transport Line of I.P.H.I.
Author(s) Ausset, P ; Berthelot, S ; Coacolo, J L ; Lesrel, J ; Maymon, J N ; Olivier, A ; Rouviere, N ; Solal-Cohen, M ; Vatrinet, L ; Yaniche, J F
Affiliation (IPN, Orsay ITEP, Moscow)
Publication 2005
In: 7th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, Lyons, France, 6 - 8 Jun 2005, pp.172
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract I.P.H.I. is a High Intensity Proton Injector under construction at Saclay (C.N.R.S/ I.N.2P.3; C.E.A. / D.A.P.N.I.A and C.E.R.N. collaboration). An E.C.R. produces a 100 keV, 100 mA C.W. proton beam which will be accelerated at 3 MeV by a 4 vanes R.F.Q. operating at 352.2 MHz. Finally, a High Energy Beam Transport Line (H.E.B.T.) will deliver the beam to a beam stopper and will be equipped with appropriate beam diagnostics to carry intensity; centroïd beam transverse position, transverse beam profiles, beam energy and energy spread measurements for the commissioning of I.P.H.I. These beam diagnostics will operate under both pulsed and C.W. operation. Transverse beam profile measurements will be acquired under low and high duty factor pulsed beam operation using a slow wire scanner and a C.C.D. camera to image the beam-induced fluorescence. The beam instrumentation of the H.E.B.T. is reviewed and preliminary obtained transverse profile measurements at 100 keV are described.

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