CERN Accelerating science

Title Measurement of natural background neutron
Author(s) Li Jain, Ping ; Chang Wui Ke ; Tang Jin Hua ; Tang, E S ; Xie Yan Fong
Affiliation (Inst of High Energy Phys, Acad Sinica, Peking, China)
Publication 1982
In: Phys. Energ. Forts. Phys. Nucl. 6, 6 (1982) pp.665-70
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Abstract A high sensitive neutron monitor is described. It has an approximate counting rate of 20 cpm for natural background neutrons. The pulse amplitude resolution, sensitivity and direction dependence of the monitor were determined. This monitor has been used for natural background measurement in Beijing area. The yearly average dose is given and compared with the results of KEK and CERN.

 Element opprettet 2005-11-06, sist endret 2010-06-09