| Using 13 7 fb/sup -1/ of e/sup +/ e/sup -/ collision data recorded at near the Upsilon (4S) resonance by the CLEO II and CLEO II V detector configurations on the Cornell Electron Storage Ring, we present the world's most precise measurements of the Sigma /sub c//sup 0/, Sigma /sub c//sup +/, and Sigma /sub c//sup ++/ charmed-baryon masses as well as the first measurements of the intrinsic widths of the Sigma /sub c//sup 0/ and Sigma /sub c//sup ++/ + baryons. We also report on the first observation and mass measurement of the Sigma /sub c/*/sup + /, charmed baryon, M( Sigma /sub c/*/sup +/) M( Lambda /sub c//sup +/) = (231 0 +or- 1 1 statu +or- 2 0 systu) MeV/c/sup 2/, and the first CLEO observation of the Omega /sub c//sup 0/ baryon, for which we measure a mass M( Omega /sub c//sup 0/) = (2694 6 +or- 2 6 statu 2 4 systu) MeV/c/sup 2/ from a sample of (40 4 +or- 9 0 statu) candidate events. All new results are preliminary. |