CERN Accelerating science

      author        = "Alper, B and Bøggild, H and Booth, P and Bulos, F and
                       Carroll, L J and Damgaard, G and Duff, Brian G and Heymann,
                       Franz F and Jackson, J N and Jarlskog, G and Jönsson, L B
                       and Klovning, A and Leistam, L and Lillethun, E and Lynch,
                       G and Manning, Geoffrey and Prentice, M and Quarrie, D and
                       von Dardel, Guy F and Weiss, J M",
      title         = "{Large angle production of stable particles heavier than
                       the proton and a search for quarks at the CERN intersecting
                       storage rings}",
      journal       = "Phys. Lett. B",
      volume        = "46",
      number        = "2",
      pages         = "265-8",
      year          = "1973",
      url           = "",
      doi           = "10.1016/0370-2693(73)90700-4",