CERN Accelerating science

Title A measurement of direct photon production at large p/sub T/ at the CERN ISR
Author(s) Diakonou, M ; Cnops, A M ; Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang ; Fields, T ; Filippas-Tassos, A ; Fokitis, E ; Fowler, E C ; Hood, D M ; Kourkoumelis, C ; Lissauer, D ; Mannelli, I ; Molzon, W ; Mouzourakis, P ; Palmer, R B ; Rahm, David Charles ; Rehak, P ; Resvanis, L K ; Stumer, I ; Trakkas, C ; Willis, W J
Affiliation (Athens Univ, Athens, Greece)
Publication 1980
In: Phys. Lett. B 91, 2 (1980) pp.296-300
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract The authors have measured direct photon production in pp collisions at the CERN intersecting storage rings for c.m. energies 31< square root s<63 GeV and transverse momenta up to 9 GeV/c, using segmented lead /liquid-argon calorimeters. The ratio of direct photon to pi /sup 0/ production is significantly larger than zero, starting at p/sub T/ approximately=4 GeV/c and increasing to values of about 0.4 at 9 GeV /c. No significant square root s dependence is seen. (14 refs).

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