CERN Accelerating science

Title Precision measurement of sin from Fe scattering at the tevatron
Author(s) Shaevitz, M H ; Arroyo, C ; Bachmann, K T ; Bazarko, A O ; Bernstein, R H ; Blair, R E ; Bodek, A ; Bolton, T A ; Borcherding, F ; Budd, H S ; Fisk, H E ; Foudas, C ; King, B J ; Kinnel, T S ; Lamm, M J ; Lefmann, W C ; Leung, W C ; Marsh, W ; Meritt, F S ; Merritt, K W ; Mishra, S R ; Oltman, E ; Oreglia, M J ; Quintas, P Z ; Rabinowitz, S A ; Sakumoto, W K ; Sandler, P H ; Schelman, H ; Schumm, B A ; Sciulli, F ; Seligman, W G ; Smith, W H ; Yovanovitch, D D ; De Barbaro, P
Publication 1992
In: 15th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Granada, Spain, 7 - 12 Jun 1992, pp.278-283

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