CERN Accélérateur de science

Report number hep-ph/0507011 ; CERN-PH-TH-2005-036 ; DCPT-04-100 ; DESY-05-059 ; FERMILAB-PUB-05-060-T ; IPPP-04-50 ; KEK-2005-16 ; PRL-TH-05-01 ; SHEP-05-03 ; SLAC-PUB-11087 ; CERN-PH-TH-2005-036 ; DCPT-2004-100
Title The Role of polarized positrons and electrons in revealing fundamental interactions at the linear collider
Preprint titleThe role of polarized positrons and electrons in revealing fundamental interactions at the Linear Collider
Author(s) Moortgat-Pick, G. (CERN ; Durham U., IPPP) ; Abe, T. (Colorado U.) ; Alexander, G. (Tel Aviv U.) ; Ananthanarayan, B. (Bangalore, Indian Inst. Sci.) ; Babich, A.A. (Gomel State Tech. U.) ; Bharadwaj, V. (SLAC) ; Barber, D. (DESY) ; Bartl, A. (Vienna U.) ; Brachmann, A. (SLAC) ; Chen, S. (Colorado U.) ; Clarke, J. (Daresbury) ; Clendenin, J.E. (SLAC) ; Dainton, J. (Liverpool U.) ; Desch, K. (Freiburg U.) ; Diehl, M. (DESY) ; Dobos, B. (Colorado U.) ; Dorland, Tyler McMillan (Colorado U.) ; Dreiner, H.K. (Bonn U.) ; Eberl, H. (Vienna, OAW) ; Ellis, John R. (CERN) ; Flottmann, K. (DESY) ; Fraas, H. (Wurzburg U.) ; Franco-Sollova, F. (DESY) ; Franke, F. (Fermilab) ; Freitas, A. (Uppsala U.) ; Goodson, J. (Colorado U.) ; Gray, J. (Colorado U.) ; Han, A. (Colorado U.) ; Heinemeyer, S. (CERN) ; Hesselbach, S. (Vienna U. ; Uppsala U.) ; Hirose, T. (Waseda U., RISE) ; Hohenwarter-Sodek, K. (Vienna U.) ; Juste, A. (Wurzburg U.) ; Kalinowski, J. (Warsaw U.) ; Kernreiter, T. (Vienna U.) ; Kittel, O. (Bonn U.) ; Kraml, S. (CERN) ; Langenfeld, U. (Bonn U.) ; Majerotto, W. (Vienna, OAW) ; Martinez, A. (Colorado U.) ; Martyn, H.U. (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Mikhailichenko, A. (Cornell U., Phys. Dept.) ; Milstene, C. (Fermilab) ; Menges, W. (DESY) ; Meyners, N. (DESY) ; Monig, K. (DESY) ; Moffeit, K. (SLAC) ; Moretti, S. (Southampton U.) ; Nachtmann, O. (Heidelberg U.) ; Nagel, F. (Heidelberg U.) ; Nakanishi, T. (Nagoya U.) ; Nauenberg, U. (Colorado U.) ; Nowak, H. (DESY) ; Omori, T. (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Osland, P. (CERN ; Bergen U.) ; Pankov, A.A. (Gomel State Tech. U.) ; Paver, N. (Trieste U. ; INFN, Trieste) ; Pitthan, R. (SLAC) ; Poschl, R. (DESY) ; Porod, W. (Valencia U., IFIC ; Zurich U.) ; Proulx, J. (Colorado U.) ; Richardson, P. (Durham U., IPPP) ; Riemann, S. (DESY) ; Rindani, S.D. (Ahmedabad, Phys. Res. Lab) ; Rizzo, T.G. (SLAC) ; Schalicke, A. (DESY) ; Schuler, P. (DESY) ; Schwanenberger, C. (Warsaw U.) ; Scott, D. (Daresbury) ; Sheppard, J. (SLAC) ; Singh, R.K. (Annecy, LAPTH) ; Sopczak, A. (Lancaster U.) ; Spiesberger, H. (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.) ; Stahl, A. (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Steiner, H. (UC, Berkeley ; LBL, Berkeley) ; Wagner, A. (Wurzburg U.) ; Weber, A.M. (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Weiglein, G. (Durham U., IPPP) ; Wilson, G.W. (Kansas U.) ; Woods, M. (SLAC) ; Zerwas, P. (DESY) ; Zhang, J. (Colorado U.) ; Zomer, F. (Orsay, LAL)
Affiliation (IPPP) ; (Univ. Colorado, Boulder, CO) ; (Univ. Tel-Aviv) ; (Indian Inst. Science, Bangalore) ; (Pavel Sukhoi Technical Univ., Gomel) ; (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA) ; (DESY) ; (Univ. Wien) ; (CCLRC) ; (Univ. Liverpool) ; (Albert-Ludwigs Univ., Freiburg) ; (Univ. Würzburg) ; (FERMILAB) ; (Uppsala Univ.) ; (Waseda Univ.)
Publication 2008
Imprint 1 Jul 2005
Number of pages 149
Note 149 pages, 95 eps+ps figures, report of the polarization working group `POWER': version with high resolutions figures are available via and the slac preprint server Report-no: CERN-PH-TH/2005-036,DCPT-04-100,DESY 05-059,FERMILAB-PUB-05-060-T,IPPP-04-50,KEK Preprint 2005-16,PRL-TH-05/01, SHEP-05-03,SLAC-PUB-11087
In: Phys. Rep. 460 (2008) 131-243
DOI 10.1016/j.physrep.2007.12.003
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract The proposed International Linear Collider (ILC) is well-suited for discovering physics beyond the Standard Model and for precisely unraveling the structure of the underlying physics. The physics return can be maximized by the use of polarized beams. This report shows the paramount role of polarized beams and summarizes the benefits obtained from polarizing the positron beam, as well as the electron beam. The physics case for this option is illustrated explicitly by analyzing reference reactions in different physics scenarios. The results show that positron polarization, combined with the clean experimental environment provided by the linear collider, allows to improve strongly the potential of searches for new particles and the identification of their dynamics, which opens the road to resolve shortcomings of the Standard Model. The report also presents an overview of possible designs for polarizing both beams at the ILC, as well as for measuring their polarization.

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Notice créée le 2005-07-05, modifiée le 2023-01-31

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