CERN Accelerating science

      author        = "Atayan, M.R. and Bai, Yu-ting and De Wolf, E.A. and
                       Endler, A.M.F. and Jinghua, Fu and Gulkanyan, H. and
                       Hakobyan, R. and Kittel, W. and Lianshou, Liu and Li,
                       Zhi-ming and Li, Na and Metreveli, Z.V. and Smirnova, L.N.
                       and Tikhonova, L.A. and Tomaradze, A.G. and Wu, Yuan-fang
                       and Zotkin, S.A.",
      collaboration = "NA22",
      title         = "{Boost Invariance and Multiplicity Dependence of the
                       Charge Balance Functionin $\pi^{+}p$ and $K^{+}p$
                       Collisions at $\sqrt s= 22$ GeV/c}",
      reportNumber  = "hep-ex/0506027",
      journal       = "Phys. Lett. B",
      volume        = "637",
      pages         = "39-42",
      year          = "2006",
      url           = "",
      doi           = "10.1016/j.physletb.2006.04.027",