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Report number JINR-P9-2004-170 ; P9-2004-170
Title Cyclotron-Injector CI-5 for JINR Phasotron
Author(s) Alenitsky, Yu G ; Vorozhtsov, A S ; Vorozhtsov, S B ; Glazov, A A ; Dmitrievskii, V P ; Zaplatin, N L ; Kalinichenko, V V ; Karamysheva, G A ; Kostromin, S A ; Morozov, N A Show all 12 authors
Affiliation (Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Dubna)
Publication 2004
Imprint 4 Nov 2004
Number of pages 9
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract The separated sector cyclotron CI-5 with the extraction energy of ? ions 5 MeV and beam intensity 10-30 mA for injection into the JINR Phasotron is considered. The results of 3D electromagnetic-field calculations of magnetic and accelerating systems are presented. A number of dynamic simulations taking into account space charge effects using fundamentally different methods confirm that the current limit for separated turns is about 30 mA for this cyclotron.
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 Záznam vytvorený 2005-04-08, zmenený 2005-10-02

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