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Contributions to this conference in CDS
Results from NA60 experiment at the CERN SPS (p. 29) |
by Usai, G |
Heavy-quark energy loss at RHIC and LHC (p. 74) |
by Dainese, A. |
Azimuthal di-hadron correlations in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{S}_{NN}$ = 200 GeV from STAR (p. 125) |
by Horner, M J |
Nucleon Spin And Structure Studies With COMPASS (p. 324) |
by Platchkov, Stephane |
Diffractive vector meson production at COMPASS and plans for GPDs measurements (p. 345) |
by Sandacz, Andrzej |
Results on $\Delta g/g$ from COMPASS (p. 348) |
by Nassalski, Jan Pawel |
Transversity signals in two hadron correlation at COMPASS (p. 386) |
by Joosten, Rainer |
Collins and Sivers asymmetries on the deuteron from COMPASS (p. 398) |
by Bressan, Andrea |
Hadron spectroscopy in photo- and hadroproduction at COMPASS (p. 461) |
by Friedrich, J M |
Dispersive e. m. Corrections to $\pi N$ Scattering at Threshold (p. 525) |
by Ericson, Torleif Eric Oskar |
Search for CP violation in $K^{\pm} \to 3\pi$ decays by the NA48/2 experiment at CERN (p. 672) |
by Mazzucato, E |
NA48/2 results on charged semileptonic decays (p. 675) |
by Szleper, Michal |
Results from the HARP Experiment (p. 837) |
by Borghi, Silvia |
Recent Charm Production and Neutrino Oscillation Results From the CHORUS Experiment (p. 855) |
by Kayis-Topaksu, A |
Physics Opportunities at the Large Hadron Collider (p. 1030) |
by de Roeck, Albert |
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker (p. 1067) |
by Pasztor, Gabriella |
Status of the construction of the ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector (p. 1070) |
by Lenti, V |
The Status of the CMS Forward Pixel Detector (p. 1076) |
by Tan, Ping |
The Lead Tungstate Electromagnetic Calorimeter of CMS (p. 1085) |
by Ingram, Q |
The PHOS Detector at ALICE (p. 1088) |
by Sugitate, T |
Physics With CMS : Potential And Challenges(p. 1094) |
by Hoepfner, Kerstin |
Florescence and Crash : Highlights of Environmental and Cultural History in the Southwest(p. 1111) |
by Blinman, Eric |
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Záznam vytvorený 2004-07-09, zmenený 2021-07-30