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Report number JINR-R1-2002-262
Title Properties of proton clusters in CC supLAMBDA sup / sup K collisions at 4.2 GeV/c per nucleon with LAMBDA and K sup 0 production
Related titleSvojstva protonnykh klasterov v neuprugikh CC-vzaimodejstviyakh, soprovozhdayushchikhsya rozhdeniem LAMBDA- i K sup 0 -chastits pri P = 4,2 GEhV/c na nuklon
Author(s) Bekmirzaev, R N ; Kuznetsov, A A ; Shukurov, E K ; Yuldashev, B S
Publication 2002
Imprint 2002
Number of pages 11
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Abstract Properties of proton clusters in CC supLAMBDA sup / sup K collisions at 4.2 GeV/c per nucleon were studied by relativistic invariant approach in relative four-dimensional velocity space. It is revealed that in this case the nucleon clusters being characterized by high value of the average kinetic energies of protons in the cluster rest system are formed: = (100 +-) MeV.


 Запись создана 2004-06-30, последняя модификация 2009-07-13

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