CERN Accelerating science

Title Review of Particle Physics, 2004-2005
Former titleReview of Particle Properties
Author(s) Eidelman, Simon ; Hayes, Kenneth G ; Olive, Keith A ; Aguilar-Benítez, M ; Amsler, Claude ; Asner, David M ; Babu, K S ; Barnett, Richard Michael ; Beringer, J ; Burchat, Patricia R ; Carone, Christopher D ; Caso, Carlo ; Conforto, Gianni ; Dahl, Orin ; D'Ambrosio, G ; Doser, Michael ; Feng, Jonathan L ; Gherghetta, Tony ; Gibbons, Lawrence ; Goodman, Maury ; Grab, C ; Groom, Donald E ; Gurtu, Atul ; Hagiwara, Kaoru ; Hernández-Rey, Juan Jose ; Hikasa, Ken Ichi ; Honscheid, Klaus ; Jawahery, Hassan ; Kolda, Christopher ; Kwon Young Joon ; Mangano, Michelangelo L ; Manohar, Aneesh Vasant ; March-Russell, John David ; Masoni, Alberto ; Miquel, Ramon ; Mönig, Klaus ; Murayama, Hitoshi ; Nakamura, Kenzo ; Navas, Sergio ; Pape, Luc ; Patrignani, Claudia ; Piepke, Andreas ; Raffelt, Georg G ; Roos, Matts ; Tanabashi, Masaharu ; Terning, John ; Törnqvist, N A ; Trippe, Thomas G ; Vogel, Petr ; Wohl, Charles G ; Workman, Ronald L ; Yao Wei Ming ; Zyla, Piotr ; Armstrong, Betty ; Gee, Paul S ; Harper, Gail ; Lugovsky, Kirill Slava ; Lugovsky, S B ; Lugovsky, V S ; Rom, A ; Artuso, Marina ; Barberio, Elisabetta ; Battaglia, Marco ; Bichsel, H ; Biebel, Otmar ; Bloch, Philippe ; Cahn, Robert N ; Casper, D ; Cattai, Ariella ; Chivukula, R Sekhar ; Cowan, Glen ; Damour, Thibault Marie Alban Guillaume ; Desler, Kai ; Dobbs, M A ; Drees, Manuel ; Edwards, A ; Edwards, Donald A ; Elvira, V D ; Erler, Jens ; Ezhela, Vladimir V ; Fetscher, Wulf ; Fields, B D ; Foster, Brian ; Froidevaux, Daniel ; Fukugita, Masataka ; Gaisser, Thomas K ; Garren, Lynn ; Gerber, Hans Jürg ; Gerbier, G ; Gilman, Frederick J ; Haber, Howard E ; Hagmann, Christian ; Hewett, Joanne L ; Hinchliffe, Ian ; Hogan, Craig J ; Höhler, Gerhard ; Igo-Kemenes, Peter Miklos ; Jackson, John David ; Johnson, Kurtis F ; Karlen, Dean A ; Kayser, Boris ; Kirkby, D ; Klein, Spencer R ; Kleinknecht, Konrad ; Knowles, Ian G ; Kreitz, Pat ; Kuyanov, Yu V ; Lahav, O ; Langacker, Paul ; Liddle, Andrew R ; Littenberg, Laurence S ; Manley, D Mark ; Narain, M ; Nason, Paolo ; Nir, Yosef ; Peacock, John A ; Quinn, Helen R ; Raby, Stuart A ; Ratcliff, B N ; Razuvaev, E A ; Renk, Burkhard ; Rolandi, Luigi ; Ronan, Michael T ; Rosenberg, Leslie J ; Sachrajda, Christopher T C ; Sakai, Y ; Sanda, A I ; Sarkar, S ; Schmitt, Michael ; Schneider, Olivier ; Scott, Douglas ; Seligman, William G ; Shaevitz, Michael H ; Sjöstrand, Torbjörn ; Smoot, George F ; Spanier, Stefan ; Spieler, Helmuth ; Spooner, N J C ; Srednicki, Mark A ; Stahl, Achim ; Stanev, Todor ; Suzuki, Mahiko ; Tkachenko, N P ; Trilling, George H ; Valencia, German ; Van Bibber, Karl ; Vincter, Manuella G ; Ward, D R ; Webber, Bryan R ; Whalley, Michael ; Wolfenstein, Lincoln ; Womersley, John William ; Woody, Craig L ; Zenin, O V ; Zhu Ren Yuan
Corporate Author(s) Particle Data Group. Berkeley
Publication 2004
In: Phys. Lett. B 592 (2004) 1-5
DOI 10.1016/j.physletb.2004.06.001
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords bibliography ; data compilation ; table ; RPP
Abstract The Review of Particle Physics and the abbreviated version, the Particle Physics Booklet, are reviews of the field of Particle Physics. This complete Review includes a compilation/evaluation of data on particle properties, called the "Particle Listings". These Listings include 1726 new measurements from 512 papers, in addition to the 20200 measurements from 5903 papers that first appeared in previous editions. The Review and the Booklet are published in even numbered years. This edition is an updating through December 2003 (and, in some areas, well into 2004).

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 Element opprettet 2004-06-26, sist endret 2022-05-06