CERN Accelerating science

Report number hep-ph/0601013 ; CERN-2005-014 ; DESY-PROC-2005-01 ; CERN-2005-014 ; DESY-PROC-2005-001
Conference title HERA and the LHC : A Workshop on the Implications of HERA for LHC Physics
Related conference title(s) Startup Meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 26 - 27 Mar 2004
Working Group Meeting, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 1 - 4 Jun 2004
Mid-term Review Meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 11 - 13 Oct 2004
Working Group Meeting, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 15 - 19 Nov 2004
Working Group Meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 17 - 21 Jan 2005
Final Meeting, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 21 - 24 Mar 2005
Date(s), location 26 Mar 2004 - 24 Mar 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Editor(s) De Roeck, A. (ed.) (CERN) ; Jung, H. (ed.) (DESY)
Imprint 2005 - 330 p.
Series (CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings)
ISBN 9290832657
DOI e-proceedings: 10.5170/CERN-2005-014
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract The HERA electron--proton collider has collected 100 pb$^{-1}$ of data since its start-up in 1992, and recently moved into a high-luminosity operation mode, with upgraded detectors, aiming to increase the total integrated luminosity per experiment to more than 500 pb$^{-1}$. HERA has been a machine of excellence for the study of QCD and the structure of the proton. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which will collide protons with a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV, will be completed at CERN in 2007. The main mission of the LHC is to discover and study the mechanisms of electroweak symmetry breaking, possibly via the discovery of the Higgs particle, and search for new physics in the TeV energy scale, such as supersymmetry or extra dimensions. Besides these goals, the LHC will also make a substantial number of precision measurements and will offer a new regime to study the strong force via perturbative QCD processes and diffraction. For the full LHC physics programme a good understanding of QCD phenomena and the structure function of the proton is essential. Therefore, in March 2004, a one-year-long workshop started to study the implications of HERA on LHC physics. This included proposing new measurements to be made at HERA, extracting the maximum information from the available data, and developing/improving the theoretical and experimental tools. This report summarizes the results achieved during this workshop.
Copyright/License publication: © 2005-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-3.0)

Corresponding record in: Inspire ; Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C04-03-26.1
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Instanton-Induced Processes : An Overview(p. 3)
by Schrempp, Fridger
Heavy quark production at HERA and the LHC (p. 17)
by Wing, Matthew
From HERA to the LHC (p. 27)
by Ellis, Jonathan Richard
From HERA to the LHC (p. 27)
by Ellis, Jonathan Richard
Introduction to parton distribution functions (p. 43)
by Dittmar, M
LHC final states and their potential experimental and theoretical accuracies (p. 46)
by Cooper-Sarkar, A
Experimental determination of parton distributions (p. 78)
by Carli, T
DGLAP evolution and parton fits (p. 119)
by Alekhin, S I
Resummation (p. 160)
by Altarelli, Guido
Introduction to multi-jet final states and energy flows (p. 183)
by Buttar, C
The underlying event (p. 192)
by Buttar, C M
Forward jets and multiple interactions (p. 218)
by Turnau, J
Survival probability of large rapidity gaps (p. 221)
by Gotsman, E
Multi-jet production and multi-scale QCD (p. 242)
by Czyczula, Z
Unintegrated parton density functions (p. 256)
by Collins, J
Resummation (p. 274)
by Banfi, A
Matching parton showers and matrix elements (p. 288)
by Hoeche, Stefan
Constrained non-Markovian Monte Carlo modeling of the evolution equation in QCD (p. 300)
by Jadach, Stanislaw
Constrained non-Markovian Monte Carlo modelling of the evolution equation in QCD (p. 300)
by Jadach, S.
QED QCD exponentiation and shower/ME matching at the LHC (p. 304)
by Ward, B F L
PHOTOS as a pocket parton shower : flexibility tests for the algorithm(p. 309)
by Golonka, P
PHOTOS as a pocket parton shower: flexibility tests for the algorithm (p. 309)
by Golonka, Piotr
Introduction to heavy quarks (charm and beauty) (p. 317)
by Behnke, O
Theoretical review of various approaches in heavy quark production (p. 318)
by Cacciari, M
Experimental overview of heavy quark measurements at HERA (p. 342)
by Behnke, O
Experimental aspects of heavy flavour production at the LHC (p. 357)
by Baines, J
Small-x effects in heavy quark production (p. 369)
by Dainese, A
Heavy quark fragmentation (p. 390)
by Bracinik, J
Benchmark cross sections for heavy-flavour production (p. 405)
by Behnke, O
Introduction to diffraction (p. 417)
by Arneodo, M
Diffraction for non-believers (p. 425)
by Arneodo, M
Diffractive Higgs production : experiment(p. 447)
by Cox, B E
TOTEM forward measurements : exclusive central diffraction(p. 448)
by Kalliopuska, J
TOTEM forward measurements : leading proton acceptance(p. 452)
by Avati, V
Diffractive Higgs : CMS/TOTEM level-1 trigger studies(p. 455)
by Arneodo, M
Proposal to upgrade the very forward region at CMS (p. 461)
by Andreev, V
Diffractive Higgs production : Theory(p. 466)
by Forshaw, J
Diffractive Higgs : Monte Carlo generators for central exclusive diffraction(p. 482)
by Boonekamp, M
Diffractive structure functions and diffractive PDFs (p. 487)
by Arneodo, M
HERA Diffractive structure function data and parton distributions (p. 488)
by Newman, P
Diffractive parton distributions from the HERA data (p. 499)
by Groys, M
Diffractive parton distributions (p. 504)
by Watt, G
DPDF : A library for diffractive parton distribution(p. 511)
by Schilling, F P
Prospects for FLD Measurements at HERA-II (p. 514)
by Newman, P
Diffractive dijet production at HERA (p. 519)
by Bruni, A
Effect of absorptive corrections on inclusive parton distributions (p. 530)
by Watt, G
Multiple Scattering at HERA and at LHC : Remarks on the AGK Rules(p. 537)
by Bartels, J
Multiple Scattering in DIS (p. 545)
by Kowalski, H
From HERA to LHC through the colourr glass condensate (p. 554)
by Venugopalan, R
Vector boson fusion at CMS (p. 561)
by Amapane, N
Introduction to Monte Carlo tools (p. 567)
by Lendermann, V
The Les Houches Accord PDFs (LHAPDF) and Lhaglue (p. 575)
by Whalley, M R
THEPEG : Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation(p. 582)
by Lönnblad, L
PYTHIA (p. 585)
by Sjöstrand, T
HERWIG (p. 586)
by Seymour, Michael H
Herwig ++ (p. 588)
by Gieseke, S
The event generator SHERPA (p. 590)
by Gleisberg, T
ARIADNE at HERPA and at the LHC (p. 592)
by Lönnblad, L
The Monte Carlo event generator AcerMC and package AcerDET (p. 596)
by Kersevan, B
RAPGAP (p. 601)
by Jung, H
CASCADE (p. 603)
by Jung, U
Leading proton production in ep and pp experiments : how well do high energy phsiscs Monte Carlo generators produce the data?(p. 605)
by Bruni, G
NLOLIB- A common interface for fixed-order calculations (p. 611)
by Rabbertz, K
HZTool (p. 617)
by Butterworth, J M
CEDAR (p. 621)
by Buckley, A
RunMC : an object-oriented analysis framework to generate Monte Carloevents for current and future HEP experiments(p. 624)
by Chekanov, S
A C++ framework for automatic search and identification of resonances (p. 630)
by Chekanov, S
LHCb trigger: algorithms and performance
by Ruiz, Hugo
The neural network approach to parton distributions
by Del Debbio, L.
Measurement of b-bbar correlations at the LHC with ATLAS
by Lagouri, T

Show contributions in CDS

 Záznam vytvorený 2004-02-17, zmenený 2023-03-14

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