CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 22nd International Linear Accelerator Conference
Related conference title(s) LINAC 2004
Date(s), location 16 - 20 Aug 2004, Lubeck, Germany
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint 2004

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C04-08-16.4
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Advanced Analysis in Nanospace : Research with the XFEL(p. 1)
by Dosch, H
Accelerator Layout of the XFEL (p. 2)
by Brinkmann, R
Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Accelerator System Overview (p. 7)
by Krejcik, P
High-Intensity, High Charge-State Heavy Ion Sources (p. 8)
by Alessi, J
Non-Interfering Beam Diagnostic Developments (p. 13)
by Peters, A
Status of REX-ISOLDE (p. 18)
by Kester, O
SPIRAL2 at GANIL (p. 23)
by Moscatello, M H
Development of Room Temperature and Superconducting CH-Structures (p. 28)
by Podlech, H
Beam Intensity Adjustment in the RIA Driver Linac (p. 33)
by Ostroumov, P N
Proposal for Reduction of Transverse Emittance of BNL 200 MeV Linac (p. 36)
by Alessi, J
The HITRAP-Decelerator for Heavy Highly-Charged Ions (p. 39)
by Dahl, L
A Dedicated 70 MeV Proton Linac for the Antiproton Physics Program of the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at Darmstadt (p. 42)
by Groening, L
High Current Beam Transport to SIS18 (p. 45)
by Richter, S
Investigation of the Beam Matching to the GSI-Alvarez DTL under Space Charge Conditions (p. 48)
by Yaramishev, S
Status of the 7 MeV/u, 217 MHz Injector Linac for the Heidelberg Cancer Therapy Facility (p. 51)
by Schlitt, B
The IH Cavity for HITRAP (p. 54)
by Kitegi, C A
The Compact 20 MV IH-DTL for the Heidelberg Cancer Therapy Facility (p. 57)
by Lu, Y R
KONUS Beam Dynamics Design of a 70 mA, 70 MeV Proton CH-DTL for GSI-SIS12 (p. 60)
by Tiede, R
Development of Intense Beam Proton Linac in China (p. 63)
by Fu, S
TRASCO-RFQ as Injector for the SPES-1 Project (p. 66)
by Posocco, P
by Pisent, A
Design of the SPES-1 LEBT (p. 72)
by Fagotti, E
Cold-Model Tests and Fabrication Status for J-PARC ACS (p. 75)
by Ao, H
Particle Distributions at the Exit of the J-PARC RFQ (p. 78)
by Kondo, Y
Design of the R.T. CH-Cavity and Perspectives for a New GSI Proton Linac (p. 81)
by Li, Z
The Pre-Injector Linac for the Diamond Light Source (p. 84)
by Christou, C
Using a Solid State Switch for a 60kV Bouncer to Control Energy Spread during the Beam Pulse* (p. 87)
by Donley, L
The LEBRA 125 MeV Electron Linac for FEL And PXR Generation (p. 90)
by Hayakawa, K
ERLP Gun Commissioning Beamline Design (p. 93)
by Holder, D J
Commissioning of a 6 MeV X-Band SW Accelerating Guide (p. 96)
by Jin, Q
A study of higher-band dipole wakefields in X-band accelerating structures for the G/NLC (p. 99)
by Jones, R M
RHIC Electron Cooler (p. 102)
by Kewisch, J
Linear Accelerator LINAC-800 of the DELSY Project (p. 105)
by Kobets, V V
Development of a C-band Accelerating Module for SUPERKEKB (p. 108)
by Ohsawa, S
Injector Linac Upgrade for the BEPCII Project (p. 111)
by Wang, S H
The Research of a Novel SW Accelerating Structure with Small Beam Spot (p. 114)
by Yang, X
Preliminary Study on HOM-Based Beam Alignment in the TESLA Test Facility (p. 117)
by Baboi, N
Optimization of positron capture in NLC (p. 120)
by Batygin, Y K
Background from Undulator in the Proposed Experiment with Polarized Positrons (p. 123)
by Batygin, Y K
Positron Transmission and Polarization in E-166 Experiment (p. 126)
by Batygin, Y K
A study of coupler-trapped modes in X-band linacs for the GLC/NLC (p. 129)
by Jones, R M
Emittance-imposed alignment and frequency tolerances for the TESLA Linear Collider (p. 132)
by Baboi, N
Linac alignment and frequency tolerances from the perspective of contained emittances for the G/NLC (p. 135)
by Jones, R M
The Impact of Longitudinal Drive Beam Jitter on the CLIC Luminosity (p. 138)
by Schulte, Daniel
Electron-Cloud Effects in the Positron Linacs of Future Linear Colliders (p. 141)
by Grudiev, A
A Potential Signal for Luminosity Optimisation in CLIC (p. 144)
by Schulte, Daniel
Experimental Investigation of the Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in a Photo-Injector using a Two-Macroparticle Bunch (p. 147)
by Tikhoplav, R
Limiting Effects in the Round-To-Flat Beam Transformation (p. 150)
by Sun, Y E
Gamma and X-rays Production for Experiments at ELSA Facility (p. 153)
by Lemaire, J
Status And Operating Experience of The TTF Coupler (p. 156)
by Möller, W D
Energy Spread in BTW Accelerating Structures at ELETTRA (p. 159)
by Craievich, P
Numerical Calculation of Coupling Impedances in Kicker Modules for Non-Relativistic Particle Beams (p. 162)
by Doliwa, B
Wire measurement of impedance of an X-band accelerating structure (p. 165)
by Baboi, N
Simple Theory of Thermal Fatigue Caused by RF Pulse Heating (p. 168)
by Kuzikov, S
Calculation of RF Properties of the Third Harmonic Cavity (p. 171)
by Rothemund, K
TESLA RF Power Coupler Thermal Calculations (p. 174)
by Kostin, D
Ribbon Ion Beam Dynamics in Undulator Linear Accelerator (p. 177)
by Masunov, E S
RF Control Modelling Issues for Future Superconducting Accelerators (p. 180)
by Hofler, A
A Pass Band Performance Simulation Code of Coupled Cavities (p. 183)
by Tao, X
Advanced Beam-Dynamics Simulation Tools for RIA (p. 186)
by Garnett, Robert
RF breakdown in accelerator structures : from plasma spots to surface melting(p. 189)
by Wilson, P B
Development of a Permanent Magnet ECR Source to Produce a 5 mA Deuteron Beam at CEA/Saclay (p. 192)
by Gobin, R
Recent Results of the 2.45 GHz ECR Source Producing H- Ions at CEA/Saclay (p. 195)
by Gobin, R
Hminus Distribution in the HERA RF-Volume Source (p. 198)
by Peters, J
Ultra-High-Vacuum Problem for 200 keV Polarized Electron Gun with NEA-GaAs Photocathode (p. 201)
by Nakanishi, T
Design Parameters of the Normal Conducting Booster Cavity for the PITZ-2 Test Stand (p. 204)
by Paramonov, V V
Development of Adaptive Feedback Control System of Both Spatial and Temporal Beam Shaping for UV-Laser Light Source for RF Gun (p. 207)
by Tomizawa, H
Analysis of the Qualification-Tests Performance of the Superconducting Cavities for the SNS Linac (p. 210)
by Delayen, J R
SRF Cavity and Materials R&D at Fermilab (p. 213)
by Khabiboulline, N
First Cryogenic Tests with JLab's new Upgrade Cavities* (p. 216)
by Kneisel, P
Influence of Ta Content in High Purity Niobium on Cavity Performance : Preliminary Results*(p. 219)
by Kneisel, P
Cold Test Results of the ISAC-II Medium Beta High Gradient Cryomodule (p. 222)
by Laxdal, R E
Conceptual Layout of the European X-FEL Linear Accelerator Cryogenic Supply (p. 225)
by Petersen, B
RF Coupler Design for the TRIUMF ISAC-II Superconducting Quarter Wave Resonator (p. 228)
by Poirier, R L
A Wire Position Monitor System for the ISAC-II Cryomodule Components Alignment (p. 231)
by Rawnsley, B
Simulation of the RF Coupler for TRIUMF ISAC-II Superconducting Quarter Wave Resonators (p. 234)
by Zvyagintsev, V
Engineering and Building RF Structures : The Works(p. 237)
by Schrage, D
Survey of Advanced Acceleration Techniques (p. 242)
by Joshi, C J
Development of the UNILAC Towards a Megawatt Beam Injector (p. 246)
by Barth, W
Developments and Future Plans at ISAC/TRIUMF (p. 251)
by Schmor, P
The KEK C-Band RF System for a Linear Collider (p. 256)
by Matsumoto, H
Low Emittance 500 kV Thermionic Electron Gun (p. 261)
by Togawa, K
High Pressure, High Gradient RF Cavities for Muon Beam Cooling (p. 266)
by Johnson, R P
Effect of High Solenoidal Magnetic Fields on Breakdown Voltages of High Vacuum 805 MHz Cavities (p. 271)
by Moretti, A
High Power CW Superconducting Linacs for EURISOL and XADS (p. 275)
by Biarrotte, J L
Future developments in electron linac diagnostics (p. 280)
by Ross, M C
RFQ Drift-Tube Proton Linacs in IHEP (p. 285)
by Budanov, Yu
Development of a 352 MHz Cell-Coupled Drift Tube Linac Prototype (p. 288)
by Cuvet, Y
Design of LINAC4, A New Injector for the CERN Booster (p. 291)
by Garoby, R
The SPL Front End: A 3 MeV$H^{-}$ Test Stand at CERN (p. 294)
by Rossi, C
Beam Dynamics for a New 160 MeV $H^{-}$ Linac at CERN (LINAC4) (p. 297)
by Gerigk, F
Results of the High-Power Conditioning and the First Beam Acceleration of the DTL-1 for J-PARC (p. 300)
by Naito, F
A Linac-to-Booster Injection Line for Transverse Matching and Correlated Injection Painting (p. 303)
by Garnett, R
Carbon Ion Injector Linac for a Heavy Ion Medical Synchrotron (p. 306)
by Swenson, D A
The Heidelberg High Current Injector : A Versatile Injector for Storage Ring Experiments(p. 309)
by Von Hahn, R
Design of a Deuteron RFQ for Neutron Generation (p. 312)
by Guo, Z Y
High current RFQ using laser ion source (p. 315)
by Okamura, M
Test and First Experiments with the new REX-ISOLDE 200 MHz IH-Structure (p. 318)
by Sieber, T
Status of the RFI Linac Prototype (p. 321)
by Swenson, D A
Space charge compensation in low energy proton beams (p. 324)
by Ismail, A B
Investigation on Beam Dynamics Design of High-Intensity RFQs (p. 327)
by Zhang, C
Beam Dynamics Issues of SPES-1 Linac (p. 330)
by Fagotti, E
Characterization of Beam Parameter and Halo for a High Intensity RFQ Output under Different Current Regimes (p. 333)
by Fagotti, E
Some Relevant Aspects in the Design and Construction of a 30-62 MeV Linac Booster for Proton Therapy (p. 336)
by Vaccaro, V G
Beam Dynamics Design of J-PARC Linac High Energy Section (p. 339)
by Ikegami, M
A Simulation Study on Chopper Transient Effects in J-PARC Linac (p. 342)
by Ikegami, M
A Simulation Study on Error Effects in J-PARC Linac (p. 345)
by Ikegami, M
Alternating Phase Focusing in Low-Velocity Heavy-Ion Superconducting Linac (p. 348)
by Ostroumov, P N
Acceleration of Several Charge States of Lead Ion in CERN LINAC3 (p. 351)
by Coco, V
Proton Beam Dynamics of the SARAF Linac (p. 354)
by Shor, A
Multi-Bunch Beam Dynamics Studies for the European XFEL (p. 357)
by Baboi, N
Beam Optics Studies for the TESLA Test Facility Linac (p. 360)
by Castro, P
The Superconducting CW Driver Linac for the BESSY-FEL User Facility (p. 363)
by Knobloch, J
Linac Upgrades for FERMI@ELETTRA (p. 366)
by D'Auria, G
Extended Parametric Evaluation for 1 FEL : Emittance and Current Requirements(p. 369)
by Pedrozzi, M
A New Control System for the S-DALINAC (p. 372)
by Brunken, M
The Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY Zeuthen : Results of the First Phase(p. 375)
by Oppelt, A
Progress Report on the Flat Beam Experiment at the Fermilab/Nicadd Photoinjector Laboratory (p. 378)
by Sun, Y E
Simulations of the Ion-Hose Instability for DARHT-II Long-Pulse Experiments (p. 381)
by Chan, K C D
Cumulative Beam Breakup with Time-Dependent Parameters (p. 384)
by Delayen, J R
Methods for Measuring and Controlling Beam Breakup in High Current ERLs (p. 387)
by Tennant, C
Temporal profile of the LCLS photocathode ultraviolet drive laser tolerated by the microbunching instability (p. 390)
by Wu, J
Resistive-wall Wake Effect in the Beam Delivery System (p. 393)
by Delayen, J R
Simulation of RF breakdown effects on NLC beam (p. 396)
by Dolgashev, V A
Alternative Linac Layout for European XFEL Project (p. 399)
by Kim, Y
Extraction of High Charge Electron Bunch from the ELSA RF Injector : Comparison Between Simulation and Experiment(p. 402)
by Lemaire, J
Beam Analysis Using the IPNS Linac ESEM (p. 405)
by Dooling, J C
The First Results of Bunch Shape Measurements in SNS Linac (p. 408)
by Feschenko, A
Bunch Length Measurements at LEBRA (p. 411)
by Yokoyama, K
RF Tuning Schemes for J-PARC DTL and SDTL (p. 414)
by Ikegami, M
An Alternate Scheme for J-PARC SDTL Tuning (p. 417)
by Ikegami, M
Beam-Based Alignment Measurements of the LANSCE Linac (p. 420)
by McCrady, R C
The LANSCE Low Momentum Beam Monitor (p. 423)
by Merl, R
Precision Alignments of Stripline BPMs with Quadrupole Magnets for TTF2 (p. 426)
by Priebe, G
Systematic Calibration of Beam Position Monitor in the High Intensity Proton Accelerator (J-PARC) LINAC (p. 429)
by Sato, S
Highly Sensitive Measurements of the Dark Current of Superconducting Cavities for TESLA Using a SQUID Based Cryogenic Current Comparator (p. 432)
by Vodel, W
TTF II Beam Monitors for Beam Position, Bunch Charge and Phase Measurements (p. 435)
by Wendt, M
Beam Instrumentation Using BPM System of the SPring-8 Linac (p. 438)
by Yanagida, K
The Beam Diagnostics System in the J-PARC LINAC (p. 441)
by Lee, S
The High Accuracy RF Phase Detector Research for 200 MeV LINAC (p. 444)
by Dong, S
Adaptive Feedforward Cancellation of Sinusoidal Disturbances in Superconducting RF Cavities (p. 447)
by Kandil, T H
Status of RF Control System for ISAC II Superconducting Cavities (p. 450)
by Fong, K
Diagnostics for the Low Level RF Control for the European XFEL (p. 453)
by Jezynski, T
A New RF System for the CEBAF Normal Conducting Cavities (p. 456)
by Hovater, C
A Long-Pulse Modulator for the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) (p. 459)
by Kaesler, W
Superstrong Adjustable Permanent Magnet for a Linear Collider Final Focus (p. 462)
by Iwashita, Y
Low Energy Beam Transport using Space Charge Lenses (p. 465)
by Meusel, O
Results of the Magnetic Field Measurements of the DTL Quadrupole Magnets for the J-PARC (p. 468)
by Takasaki, E
Spectrographic Approach to Study of RF Conditioning Process in Accelerating RF Structures (p. 471)
by Tomizawa, H
J-PARC Linac Alignment (p. 474)
by Ikegami, M
Coupler Development and Gap Field Analysis for the 352 MHz Superconducting CH-Cavity (p. 477)
by Liebermann, H
Technologies of The Peripheral Equipments of The J-PARC DTL1 for the Beam Test (p. 480)
by Yoshino, K
CLIC Magnet Stabilization Studies (p. 483)
by Redaelli, S
Static Absolute Force Measurement for Preloaded Piezoelements Used for Active Lorentz Force Detuning System (p. 486)
by Sekalski, S P
Improvements of RF Characteristics in the SDTL of the J-PARC Proton LINAC (p. 489)
by Wang, S
Compact Electron-Linac Design Concept for a Gamma Ray Source (p. 492)
by Chan, K C D
Results of a 3D-EM-Code Comparison on the TRISPAL Cavity Benchmark (p. 495)
by Balleyguier, P
Parallel Particle in Cell Computation of an Electron Gun with GdfidL (p. 498)
by Bruns, W
Evaluation of Magnetic Field Enhancement Along a Boundary (p. 501)
by Iwashita, Y
Mechanical Stability Simulations on a Quarter Wave Resonator for the SPIRAL II Project (p. 504)
by Saugnac, H
Some Estimations for Correlation Between the RF Cavity Surface Temperature and Electrical Breakdown Possibility (p. 507)
by Paramonov, V V
The Finite State Machine for Klystron Operation for VUV-FEL and European X-FEL Linear Accelerator (p. 510)
by Cichalewski, W
Gradient limitations for high-frequency accelerators (p. 513)
by Döbert, Steffen
State of the Art SRF Cavity Performance (p. 518)
by Lilje, L
State of the Art in RF Control (p. 523)
by Simrock, S
State of the Art Electron Bunch Compression (p. 528)
by Piot, P
Results from the Initial Operations of the SNS Front End and Drift Tube Linac (p. 533)
by Aleksandrov, V S
Recent Results in the Field of High Intensity CW Linac Development for RIB Production (p. 538)
by Pisent, A
Challenges of Linac Driven Light Sources (p. 543)
by Bocchetta, C J
PAL Linac Upgrade for a 1-3 XFEL (p. 544)
by Oh, J O
KEKB Injector Linac and Upgrade for SuperKEKB (p. 549)
by Michizono, S
Status of the J-PARC Linac, Initial Results and Upgrade Plan (p. 554)
by Yamazaki, Y
Overview of High Intensity Linac Programs in Europe (p. 559)
by Garoby, R
Summary of the Argonne Workshop on High Gradient RF (p. 564)
by Norem, J
Industrial RF Linac Experiences and Laboratory Interactions (p. 569)
by Peiniger, M
IOT RF Power Sources for Pulsed and CW Linacs (p. 574)
by Bohlen, H P
Review of Fast Beam Chopping (p. 578)
by Caspers, Friedhelm
High Power Targets (p. 583)
by Kirk, H
End-to-End Beam Dynamics Simulations for the ANL-RIA Driver Linac (p. 584)
by Ostroumov, P N
Intermediate-Velocity Superconducting Accelerating Structures (p. 589)
by Delayen, J R
End-to-End Beam Simulations for the MSU RIA Driver Linac (p. 594)
by Wu, X
by Zhao, Q
Fabrication of Superconducting Cavities for SNS (p. 602)
by Pekeler, M
Superconducting beta=0.15 Quarter-Wave Cavity for RIA (p. 605)
by Kelly, M
Cold Tests of a Superconducting Co-Axial Half-Wave Cavity for RIA (p. 608)
by Kelly, M
Performance Improvement of the Multicell Cavity Prototype for Proton LINAC Projects (p. 611)
by Visentin, B
The Frankfurt Funneling Experiment (p. 614)
by Zimmermann, Holger
Tuner Design for High Power 4-Rod-RFQs (p. 617)
by Schempp, A
Design of A 352 MHz-Proton-RFQ for GSI (p. 620)
by Schempp, A
Superconducting RFQs in the PIAVE Injector (p. 623)
by Bisoffi, G
Construction of a 161 MHz, β=0.16 Superconducting Quarter Wave Resonator with Steering Correction for RIA (p. 626)
by Facco, A
High Beta Cavity Optimization for ISAC-II (p. 627)
by Laxdal, R E
Engineering and Cryogenic Testing of the ISAC-II Medium Beta Cryomodule (p. 630)
by Stanford, G
Progress in the Development of the TOP Linac (p. 633)
by Picardi, L
The Acceleration Test of the APF-IH-LINAC (p. 636)
by Yamamoto, K
Calculation of Electron Beam Dynamics of the LUE-200 Accelerator (p. 639)
by Sumbaev, A P
3D Beam Dynamics Simulation in Undulator Linac (p. 642)
by Masunov, E S
An Electrode With Molybdenum-Cathode and Titanium-Anode to Minimize Field Emission Dark Currents (p. 645)
by Nakanishi, T
Highly Polarized Electrons from GaAs-GaAsP and InGaAs-AlGaAs Strained Layer Superlattice Photocathodes (p. 648)
by Nakanishi, T
Development of Field-Emission Electron Gun from Carbon Nanotubes (p. 651)
by Hozumi, Y
Comparison of 2 Cathode Geometries for High Current (2 kA) Diodes (p. 654)
by Pichoff, N
Ultra Low Emittance Electron Gun Project for FEL Application (p. 657)
by Ganter, R
Multi-Mode SLED-II Pulse Compressors (p. 660)
by Kuzikov, S
Development of C-band Accelerating Section for SuperKEKB (p. 663)
by Kamitani, T
Production of S-band Accelerating Structures (p. 666)
by Piel, C
A Four-Cell Periodically HOM-Damped RF Cavity for High Current Accelerators (p. 669)
by Wu, G
New Accelerating Modules RF Test at TTF (p. 672)
by Kostin, D
Progress toward NLC / GLC prototype accelerator structures (p. 675)
by Wang, J W
A High-Power Test of an X-Band Molybdenum-Iris Structure (p. 678)
by Wuensch, Walter
Development of a Non-Magnetic Inertial Sensor for Vibration Stabilization in a Linear Collider (p. 681)
by Frisch, J
Vibration Stabilization of a Mechanical Model of a X-Band Linear Collider Final Focus Magnet (p. 684)
by Frisch, J
Approaches to Beam Stabilization in X-Band Linear Colliders (p. 687)
by Frisch, J
High Precision Survey and Alignment of Large Linear Accelerators (p. 690)
by Prenting, J
Operation of a 1.3 GHz, 10 MW Multiple Beam Klystron (p. 693)
by Bohlen, H P
Development of High RF Power Delivery System for 1300 MHz Superconducting Cavities of Cornell ERL Injector (p. 694)
by Belomestnykh, S A
NLC Hybrid Solid State Induction Modulator (p. 697)
by Cassel, R L
Reduction of RF Power Loss Caused by Skin Effect (p. 700)
by Iwashita, Y
The Design and Performance of the Spallation Neutron Source Low-Level RF Control System (p. 703)
by Champion, M
The Toshiba E3736 Multi Beam Klystron (p. 706)
by Yano, A
Cable Insulation Breakdowns in the Modulator with a Switch Mode High Voltage Power Supply (p. 709)
by Cours, A
The RF-System for A High Current RFQ at IHEP (p. 712)
by Zhang, Z
A High-Resolution S-band Down-Converting Digital Phase Detector for SASE FEL Use (p. 715)
by Grelick, A E
The RF-Station Interlock for the European X-ray laser (p. 718)
by Grevsmühl, T
The CEBAF RF Separator System Upgrade (p. 721)
by Hovater, C
Tuning of External Q And Phase for The Cavities of A Superconducting Linear Accelerator (p. 724)
by Katalev, V V
RF Reference Distribution System for the J-PARC Linac (p. 727)
by Kobayashi, T
Quasi-Optical Components for Future Linear Colliders (p. 730)
by Kuzikov, S
Electromagnetic Design of New RF Power Couplers for the S-DALINAC (p. 736)
by Kunze, Marco
Control of the Low Level RF System for J-Parc Linac (p. 739)
by Michizono, S
Digital Feedback System for J-Parc Linac RF Source (p. 742)
by Michizono, S
Development of C-band High-Power Mix-Mode RF Window (p. 745)
by Michizono, S
Low Level RF Including a Sophisticated Phase Control System for CTF3 (p. 748)
by Mourier, J
High-power RF distribution system for the 8-pack project (p. 751)
by Nantista, C
SKIP : A Pulse Compressor for SuperKEKB(p. 754)
by Sugimura, T
Waveguide Stub Tuner Analysis for CEBAF Application (p. 757)
by Wang, H
Low-Power RF Tuning of the Spallation Neutron Source Warm LINAC Structures (p. 760)
by Deibele, C
Measurement and Control of Microphonics in High Loaded-Q Superconducting RF Cavities (p. 763)
by Grimm, T L
Traveling Wave and Standing Wave Single Cell High Gradient Tests (p. 766)
by Dolgashev, V A
The Simulation Calculations And Dielectric Characteristics Investigation of a Hybrid Dielectric-Iris-Loaded Travelling Accelerating Structure (p. 769)
by Wu, C F
The Tuning Study of the Coupled Cavities for the RF Chopper System of J-PARC (p. 770)
by Wang, S
Experimental Study of an 805 MHz Cryomodule for the Rare Isotope Accelerator (p. 773)
by Grimm, T L
First Experience with Dry-Ice Cleaning on SRF Cavities (p. 776)
by Reschke, D
A Newly Designed and Optimized CLIC Main Linac Accelerating Structure (p. 779)
by Grudiev, A
Laser Produced Ions as an Injection Beam for Cancer Therapy Facility (p. 782)
by Noda, A
Superconducting Accelerating Structure with Gradient as 2 Times Higher as TESLA Structure (p. 785)
by Avrakhov, P V
Experiences in Fabrication and Testing the Prototype of the 4.90 GHz Accelerating Sections for MAMI C (p. 788)
by Jankowiak, A
Measurements of High Order Modes in High Phase Advance Damped Detuned Accelerating Structure for NLC (p. 791)
by Khabiboulline, N
Design of a 300 GHz Broadband TWT Coupler and RF-Structure (p. 794)
by Krawczyk, F L
Test Results of the 3.9 GHz Cavity at Fermilab (p. 797)
by Solyak, N
Low Power Measurements on a Finger Drift Tube Linac (p. 800)
by Schempp, A
Accelerator structure bead pull measurement at SLAC (p. 803)
by Lewandowski, J R
Longitudinal Bunch Shape Monitor Using the Beam Chopper of the J-PARC (p. 806)
by Naito, F
Measured RF Properties of the DTL for the J-PARC (p. 809)
by Tanaka, H
The Technique for the Numerical Tolerances Estimations in the Construction of Compensated Accelerating Structures (p. 812)
by Paramonov, V V
Effect of the Tuner on the Field Flatness of SNS Superconducting RF Cavities (p. 815)
by Sun, A
A 3D Self-Consistent, Analytical Model for Longitudinal Plasma Oscillation in a Relativistic Electron Beam (p. 818)
by Geloni, G
Cold Tests of a 160 MHz Half-Wave Resonator (p. 821)
by Stassen, R
Electro Polishing of Niobium Cavities at DESY (p. 824)
by Matheisen, A
Overview of Linear Collider Test Facilities and Results (p. 827)
by Hayano, H
Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) (p. 832)
by Zisman, M S
Status of the SNS Linac : An Overview(p. 837)
by Holtkamp, N
Overview on High-Brightness Electron Guns (p. 842)
by Lewellen, J W
Accelerator Control and Global Networks : State of the Art(p. 847)
by Gurd, D P
Status of High-Power Tests of Dual Mode SLED-II System for an X-Band Linear Collider (p. 852)
by Tantawi, S G
The Science of Radioactive Ion Beams (p. 857)
by Sherrill, B
The Physics Perspectives at the Future Accelerator Facility FAIR (p. 858)
by Stroth, J
Moscow Meson Factory DTL RF System Upgrade
by Esin, S K

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 Element opprettet 2004-02-07, sist endret 2024-02-23