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Title Joint ROSAT - Compton GRO observations of the x-ray bright Seyfert galaxy IC 4329 A
Author(s) Madejski, G M ; Zdziarski, A A ; Turner, T J ; Done, C ; Mushotzky, R F ; Hartman, R C ; Gehrels, N ; Connors, A ; Fabian, A C ; Nandra, K ; Celotti, A ; Rees, Martin J ; Johnson, W N ; Grove, J E ; Starr, C H
Publication 1994
Imprint 20 Jun 1994
Number of pages 18
Published in: Astrophys. J.
Subject category Other Fields of Physics


 Záznam vytvorený 2003-12-11, zmenený 2015-05-21

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