CERN Accelerating science

Report number hep-ex/0310054 ; CERN-EP-2003-036 ; CERN-EP-2003-036
Title Search for R-parity violating decays of sfermions at LEP
Preprint titleSearch for R-Parity Violating Decays of Scalar Fermions at LEP

Abbiendi, G. ; Ainsley, C. ; Akesson, P.F. ; Alexander, G. ; Allison, John ; Amaral, P. ; Anagnostou, G. ; Anderson, K.J. ; Arcelli, S. ; Asai, S. ; Axen, D. ; Azuelos, G. ; Bailey, I. ; Barberio, E. ; Barlow, R.J. ; Batley, R.J. ; Bechtle, P. ; Behnke, T. ; Bell, Kenneth Watson ; Bell, P.J. ; Bella, G. ; Bellerive, A. ; Benelli, G. ; Bethke, S. ; Biebel, O. ; Boeriu, O. ; Bock, P. ; Boutemeur, M. ; Braibant, S. ; Brigliadori, L. ; Brown, Robert M. ; Buesser, K. ; Burckhart, H.J. ; Campana, S. ; Carnegie, R.K. ; Caron, B. ; Carter, A.A. ; Carter, J.R. ; Chang, C.Y. ; Charlton, David G. ; Csilling, A. ; Cuffiani, M. ; Dado, S. ; De Roeck, A. ; De Wolf, E.A. ; Desch, K. ; Dienes, B. ; Donkers, M. ; Dubbert, J. ; Duchovni, E. ; Duckeck, G. ; Duerdoth, I.P. ; Etzion, E. ; Fabbri, F. ; Feld, L. ; Ferrari, P. ; Fiedler, F. ; Fleck, I. ; Ford, M. ; Frey, A. ; Furtjes, A. ; Gagnon, P. ; Gary, John William ; Gaycken, G. ; Geich-Gimbel, C. ; Giacomelli, G. ; Giacomelli, P. ; Giunta, Marina ; Goldberg, J. ; Gross, E. ; Grunhaus, J. ; Gruwe, M. ; Gunther, P.O. ; Gupta, A. ; Hajdu, C. ; Hamann, M. ; Hanson, G.G. ; Harder, K. ; Harel, A. ; Harin-Dirac, M. ; Hauschild, M. ; Hawkes, C.M. ; Hawkings, R. ; Hemingway, R.J. ; Hensel, C. ; Herten, G. ; Heuer, R.D. ; Hill, J.C. ; Hoffman, Kara Dion ; Horvath, D. ; Igo-Kemenes, P. ; Ishii, K. ; Jeremie, H. ; Jovanovic, P. ; Junk, T.R. ; Kanaya, N. ; Kanzaki, J. ; Karapetian, G. ; Karlen, D. ; Kawagoe, K. ; Kawamoto, T. ; Keeler, R.K. ; Kellogg, R.G. ; Kennedy, B.W. ; Kim, D.H. ; Klein, K. ; Klier, A. ; Kluth, S. ; Kobayashi, T. ; Kobel, M. ; Komamiya, S. ; Kormos, Laura L. ; Kramer, T. ; Krieger, P. ; von Krogh, J. ; Kruger, K. ; Kuhl, T. ; Kupper, M. ; Lafferty, G.D. ; Landsman, H. ; Lanske, D. ; Layter, J.G. ; Leins, A. ; Lellouch, D. ; Letts, J. ; Levinson, L. ; Lillich, J. ; Lloyd, S.L. ; Loebinger, F.K. ; Lu, J. ; Ludwig, J. ; Macpherson, A. ; Mader, W. ; Marcellini, S. ; Martin, A.J. ; Masetti, G. ; Mashimo, T. ; Mattig, Peter ; McDonald, W.J. ; McKenna, J. ; McMahon, T.J. ; McPherson, R.A. ; Meijers, F. ; Menges, W. ; Merritt, F.S. ; Mes, H. ; Michelini, A. ; Mihara, S. ; Mikenberg, G. ; Miller, D.J. ; Moed, S. ; Mohr, W. ; Mori, T. ; Mutter, A. ; Nagai, K. ; Nakamura, I. ; Nanjo, H. ; Neal, H.A. ; Nisius, R. ; O'Neale, S.W. ; Oh, A. ; Okpara, A. ; Oreglia, M.J. ; Orito, S. ; Pahl, C. ; Pasztor, G. ; Pater, J.R. ; Patrick, G.N. ; Pilcher, J.E. ; Pinfold, J. ; Plane, David E. ; Poli, B. ; Polok, J. ; Pooth, O. ; Przybycien, M. ; Quadt, A. ; Rabbertz, K. ; Rembser, C. ; Renkel, P. ; Rick, H. ; Roney, J.M. ; Rosati, S. ; Rozen, Y. ; Runge, K. ; Sachs, K. ; Saeki, T. ; Sarkisyan, E.K.G. ; Schaile, A.D. ; Schaile, O. ; Scharff-Hansen, P. ; Schieck, J. ; Schoerner-Sadenius, Thomas ; Schroder, Matthias ; Schumacher, M. ; Schwick, C. ; Scott, W.G. ; Seuster, R. ; Shears, T.G. ; Shen, B.C. ; Sherwood, P. ; Siroli, G. ; Skuja, A. ; Smith, A.M. ; Sobie, R. ; Soldner-Rembold, S. ; Spano, F. ; Stahl, A. ; Stephens, K. ; Strom, David M. ; Strohmer, R. ; Tarem, S. ; Tasevsky, M. ; Taylor, R.J. ; Teuscher, R. ; Thomson, M.A. ; Torrence, E. ; Toya, D. ; Tran, P. ; Trigger, I. ; Trocsanyi, Z. ; Tsur, E. ; Turner-Watson, M.F. ; Ueda, I. ; Ujvari, B. ; Vollmer, C.F. ; Vannerem, P. ; Vertesi, R. ; Verzocchi, M. ; Voss, H. ; Vossebeld, J. ; Waller, D. ; Ward, C.P. ; Ward, D.R. ; Warsinsky, M. ; Watkins, P.M. ; Watson, A.T. ; Watson, N.K. ; Wells, P.S. ; Wengler, T. ; Wermes, N. ; Wetterling, D. ; Wilson, G.W. ; Wilson, J.A. ; Wolf, G. ; Wyatt, T.R. ; Yamashita, S. ; Zer-Zion, D. ; Zivkovic, Lidija

Affiliation (School of Phys. and Astronomy, Univ. Birmingham) ; (Dipartimento di Fis. dell Univ. Bologna and INFN) ; (Phys. Institut, Univ. Bonn) ; (Department of Phys., Univ. California) ; (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge) ; (Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Phys., Dept. of Phys., Carleton Univ.) ; (CERN) ; (Enrico Fermi Inst. and Department of Phys., Univ. Chicago) ; (Fakultat fur Phys., Albert Ludwigs Univ., Freiburg) ; (Phys. Institut, Univ. Heidelberg) ; (Indiana Univ., Department of Phys.) ; (Queen Mary and Westfield College, Uni. London,) ; (Technische Hochschule Aachen, III Phys. Institut, Aachen) ; (Univ. College London) ; (Department of Phys., Schuster Laboratory, Manchester) ; (Department of Phys., Univ. Maryland) ; (Laboratoire de Phys. Nucl., Univ. Montreal) ; (Univ. Oregon, Department of Phys.) ; (CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) ; (Department of Phys., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology) ; (Department of Phys. and Astronomy, Tel Aviv Univ.) ; (International Centre for Elementary Part. Phys. and Department of Phys., Univ. Tokyo) ; (Kobe Univ.) ; (Part. Phys. Department, Weizmann Institute of Science) ; (Univ. Hamburg/DESY) ; (Univ. Victoria, Department of Phys.) ; (Univ. British Columbia, Department of Phys.) ; (Univ.Alberta, Department of Phys.) ; (Research Institute for Part. and Nucl. Phys., Budapest) ; (Institute of Nucl. Research, Hungary) ; (Ludwigs-Maximilians-Univ. Munchen) ; (Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik, Munich) ; (Yale Univ.,Department of Phys.) ; (TRIUMF)
Publication 2004
Imprint 23 Jun 2003
Number of pages 52
Note 51 pages, 24 figures, Submitted to Eur. Phys. J. C Report-no: CERN-EP/2003-036
In: Eur. Phys. J. C 33 (2004) 149-172
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s2004-01596-8
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment ; Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEP ; OPAL
Abstract A search for pair-produced scalar fermions under the assumption that R-parity is not conserved has been performed using data collected with the OPAL detector at LEP. The data samples analysed correspond to an integrated luminosity of about 610 pb-1 collected at centre-of-mass energies of sqrt(s) 189-209 GeV. An important consequence of R-parity violation is that the lightest supersymmetric particle is expected to be unstable. Searches of R-parity violating decays of charged sleptons, sneutrinos and squarks have been performed under the assumptions that the lightest supersymmetric particle decays promptly and that only one of the R-parity violating couplings is dominant for each of the decay modes considered. Such processes would yield final states consisting of leptons, jets, or both with or without missing energy. No significant single-like excess of events has been observed with respect to the Standard Model expectations. Limits on the production cross- section of scalar fermions in R-parity violating scenarios are obtained. Constraints on the supersymmetric particle masses are also presented in an R-parity violating framework analogous to the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.
Copyright/License Preprint: (License: CC-BY-4.0)

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 ჩანაწერი შექმნილია 2003-10-27, ბოლოს შესწორებულია 2024-06-13

სრული ტექსტი:
arXiv:hep-ex_0310054 - სრული ტექსტის ჩამოტვირთვაPDF
ep-2003-036 - სრული ტექსტის ჩამოტვირთვაPDF
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სრული ტექსტის ჩამოტვირთვაPreprint