CERN Accelerating science

      author        = "Ghinculov, A. and Hurth, T. and Isidori, G. and Yao, Y.P.",
      title         = "{New NNLL Results on the Decay $B \to X_{s} L^+ L^-$.
                       NEXT-TO-NEXT-TO-LEADING LOGARITHMIC}",
      reportNumber  = "hep-ph/0310187, SLAC-PUB-10208, CERN-TH-2003-249,
                       PITHA-03-09, MCTP-03-46, CERN-TH-2003-249, MCTP-2003-46,
                       PITHA-2003-09, SLAC-PUB-10208",
      journal       = "Eur. Phys. J. C",
      volume        = "33",
      pages         = "s288-s290",
      year          = "2004",
      url           = "",
      note          = "typo in (1) fixed, input parameters slightly changed
                       Report-no: CERN-TH/2003-249, SLAC-PUB-10208, PITHA 03/09,
      doi           = "10.1140/epjcd/s2003-03-206-2",