CERN Accelerating science

Internal Note
Report number CERN-ALEPH-2001-076 ; CERN-ALEPH-PHYSICS-2001-026 ; DELPHI-2001-128-PHYS-904 ; CERN-DELPHI-2001-128-PHYS-904 ; L3-Note-2712 ; OPAL-TN-704 ; LEP2FF-01-02
Title Combination of the LEP II ffbar Results

Geweniger, C ; Bourilkov, D ; Elsing, M ; Goy, C ; Holt, J ; Liebig, W ; Minard, M N ; Renton, P B ; Riemann, S ; Sachs, K ; Ward, P ; Wynhoff, S

Submitted by [email protected] on 28 Sep 2001
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEP ; DELPHI
Free keywords EW line-shape and leptonic asymmetries ; LEP2
Abstract Preliminary combinations of measurements of the 4 LEP collaborations of the process e+e-->ffbar at LEP-II are presented, using data from the full LEP-II data set where available. Cross-sections and forward-backward asymmetry measurements are combined for the full LEP-II data set. Combined differential cross-sections $\frac{{\rm d}\sigma}{{\rm d}\cos\theta}$ for electron-pairs, muon pair and tau-pair final states are presented. Measurements of the production of heavy flavours are combined. The combined results are interpreted in terms of contact interactions and the exchange Z' bosons and leptoquarks, and within models of low scale gravity in large extra dimensions.

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Record created 2003-09-27, last modified 2022-01-27

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