CERN Accelerating science

Title A combined analysis technique for the search for fast magnetic monopoles with the MACRO detector

Ambrosio, M ; Antolini, R ; Auriemma, G ; Bakari, D ; Baldini, A ; Barbarino, G C ; Barish, B C ; Battistoni, G ; Becherini, Y ; Bellotti, R ; Bemporad, C ; Bernardini, P ; Bilokon, H ; Bloise, C ; Bower, C ; Brigida, M ; Bussino, S ; Cafagna, F ; Calicchio, M ; Campana, D ; Carboni, M ; Caruso, R ; Cecchini, S ; Cei, F ; Chiarella, V ; Choudhary, B C ; Coutu, S ; De Cataldo, G ; Dekhissi, H ; De Marzo, C ; De Mitri, I ; Derkaoui, J E ; De Vincenzi, M ; Di Credico, A ; Erriquez, O ; Favuzzi, C ; Forti, C ; Fusco, P ; Giacomelli, G ; Giannini, G ; Giglietto, N ; Giorgini, M ; Grassi, M ; Grillo, A ; Guarino, F ; Gustavino, C ; Habig, A ; Heinz, R ; Iarocci, E ; Katsavounidis, E ; Katsavounidis, I ; Kearns, E ; Kim, H ; Kyriazopoulou, S ; Lamanna, E ; Lane, C ; Levin, D S ; Lipari, P ; Longley, N P ; Longo, M J ; Loparco, F ; Maaroufi, F ; Mancarella, G ; Mandrioli, G ; Manzoor, S ; Margiotta, A ; Marini, A ; Martello, D ; Marzari-Chiesa, A ; Mazziotta, M N ; Michael, D G ; Monacelli, P ; Montaruli, T ; Monteno, M ; Mufson, S L ; Musser, J ; Nicolò, D ; Nolty, R ; Orth, C ; Osteria, G ; Palamara, O ; Patera, V ; Patrizii, L ; Pazzi, R ; Peck, C W ; Perrone, L ; Petrera, S ; Popa, V ; Reynoldson, J ; Ronga, F ; Rrhioua, A ; Satriano, C ; Scapparone, E ; Scholberg, K ; Sciubba, A ; Serra, P ; Sioli, M ; Sirri, G ; Sitta, M ; Spinelli, P ; Spinetti, M ; Spurio, M ; Steinberg, R ; Stone, J L ; Sulak, L R ; Surdo, A ; Tarle, G ; Togo, V ; Vakili, M ; Walter, C W ; Webb, R

Affiliation (Ist Nazionale di Fisica Nucl)
Publication 2002
In: Astropart. Phys.
Subject category Astrophysics and Astronomy
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment Gran Sasso ; MACRO
Abstract We describe a search method for fast moving ( beta = v/c > 5 * 10/sup -3/) magnetic monopoles using simultaneously the scintillator, streamer tube and track-etch subdetectors of the MACRO apparatus. The first two subdetectors are used primarily for the identification of candidates while the track-etch one is used as the final tool for their rejection or confirmation. Using this technique, a first sample of more than two years of data has been analyzed without any evidence of a magnetic monopole. We set a 90% CL upper limit to the local monopole flux of 1.5 * 10/sup -15/ cm/sup -2/s/sup -1/sr/sup -1/ in the velocity range 5 * 10/sup -3/ <or= beta <or= 0.99 and for nucleon decay catalysis cross-section smaller than  1 mb. (17 refs).

 Record created 2003-06-18, last modified 2016-06-29