CERN Accelerating science

Title Mean-field effects on flows in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Author(s) Isse, M ; Chiba, S (ed.) ; Maruyama, T ; Nara, Y ; Ohnishi, A ; Otuka, N ; Sahu, P K
Affiliation (Hokkaido Univ)
Publication 2002
In: 4th Symposium on Science of Hadrons under Extreme Conditions, Tokai, Japan, 4 - 6 Mar 2002, pp.132-41
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Abstract At RHIC experiments, started at 2000, the data obtained recently seem to exhibit quark-gluon plasma formation, but the conclusion has not been drawn yet. Here, we pay our attention to collective flows at hadronic freeze-out as evidence of QGP formation. The mean-field effect on the flows is not negligible. It is dominant at SIS or AGS energies and our conjecture is that it is negligible at SPS or RHIC energies. We form a model to investigate our assumption and some simulated results are shown. (13 refs).
