CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 9th International Conference on B Physics at Hadron Machines
Related conference title(s) BEAUTY 2003
Date(s), location 14 - 18 Oct 2003, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Conference contact email: [email protected]
fax: 1-412-681-0648
phone: 1-412-268 6681
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 2004
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 722)
Subject category Particle Physics

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C03-10-14
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

External links:
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

The status of the ATLAS inner detector (p. 99)
by Moser, H G
LHCb: Reoptimized Detector and Tracking Performance (p. 114)
by Raven, Gerhard
Status of the LHCb RICH and Hadron Particle Identification (p. 119)
by Adinolfi, Marco
LHCb calorimeters and muon system lepton identification (p. 123)
by Machefert, F
ATLAS software for B physics (p. 127)
by Parodi, F
Grid computing in high energy physics (p. 131)
by Avery, P
Semileptonic branching ratios and moments (p. 146)
by Della Ricca, G
The ATLAS B-Physics Trigger (p. 201)
by George, S
Online Event Selection at the CMS experiment (p. 207)
by Konecki, M
The LHCb Trigger System: Implementation and Performance (p. 214)
by Callot, Olivier
B physics at LHC with the CMS detector (p. 225)
by Marinelli, N
LHCb physics performance (p. 231)
by Uwer, U
ATLAS B Physics Performance Update (p. 242)
by Eerola, Paula
Footprints of new physics in the B system (p. 255)
by Grossman, Y
B physics in the LHC era (p. 269)
by Cahn, R N
Models and methods : can theory meet the B physics challenge?(p. 280)
by Nierste, U
Physics Performance
by Uwer, U
LHCb: Reoptimized Detector & Tracking Performance
by Raven, G
Calorimeter and Muon System Lepton Identification
by Machefert, F
Implementation and Performance of the LHCb trigger
by Callot, O
Status of the LHCb RICH and hadron particle identification
by Adinolfi, M

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 2002-12-20, last modified 2021-07-30