Główna > The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) |
Preprint | |
Report number | astro-ph/0211606 |
Title | The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) : status and prospects |
Author(s) | Irastorza, I.G. ; Andriamonje, S. ; Arik, E. ; Autiero, D. ; Avignone, F. ; Barth, K. ; Bingol, E. ; Brauninger, H. ; Brodzinski, R. ; Carmona, J. ; Chesi, E. ; Cebrian, S. ; Cetin, S. ; Collar, J. ; Creswick, R. ; Dafni, T. ; de Oliveira, R. ; Dedoussis, S. ; Delbart, A. ; di Lella, L. ; Eleftheriadis, C. ; Fanourakis, G. ; Farach, H. ; Fischer, H. ; Formenti, F. ; Geralis, T. ; Giomataris, I. ; Gninenko, S. ; Goloubev, N. ; Hartmann, R. ; Hasinoff, N. ; Hoffmann, D. ; Jacoby, J. ; Kang, D. ; Konigsmann, Kay ; Kotthaus, R. ; Krcmar, M. ; Kuster, M. ; Lakic, B. ; Liolios, A. ; Ljubicic, A. ; Lutz, G. ; Luzon, G. ; Miley, H. ; Morales, A. ; Morales, J. ; Mutterer, M. ; Nikolaidis, A. ; Ortiz, a. ; Papaevangelou, T. ; Placci, A. ; Raffelt, G. ; Riege, H. ; Sarsa, M. ; Savvidis, I. ; Schopper, R. ; Semertzidis, I. ; Spano, C. ; Villar, J. ; Vullierme, B. ; Walckiers, L. ; Zachariadou, K. ; Zioutas, K. |
Publication | 2002 |
Imprint | 27 Nov 2002 |
Number of pages | 6 |
Note | 6 pages, talk given at 4th International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter, York, September 2002. Replaced version with added reference |
Presented at | 4th International Workshop on the Identificaion of Dark Matter, York, UK, 2 - 6 Sep 2002 |
Subject category | Astrophysics and Astronomy |
Abstract | The CAST experiment is being mounted at CERN. It will make use of a decommissioned LHC test magnet to look for solar axions through its conversion into photons inside the magnetic field. The magnet has a field of 9 Tesla and length of 10 m and is installed in a platform which allows to move it 8 degrees vertically and 40 degrees horizontally. According to these numbers we expect a sensitivity in axion-photon coupling 5 x 10^-11 GeV^-1 for axion masses m < 10^-2 eV, and with a gas filled tube 10^-10 GeV^-1 for m < 2 eV. |
Other source | Inspire |
Submitted by | [email protected] |