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Report number E18-2002-156 ; JINR-E18-2002-156
Title Conductometric Determination of Single Pores in Polyethyleneterephthalate Irradiated by Heavy Ions
Author(s) Oganesyan, V R ; Trofimov, V V ; Dörschel, B ; Vetter, J E ; Danziger, M ; Hermsdorf, D
Affiliation (Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Dubna) ; (Institut fuer Strahlenschutzphysik, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany) ; (Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung, 642491 Darmstadt, Germany) ; (Fractal AG, 06484 Quedlinburg, Germany)
Publication 2002
Imprint 4 Jul 2002
Number of pages 7
Published in: Radiat. Meas.
Subject category Other Fields of Physics
Abstract Most of previous works devoted to the problem of track formation processes did not pay enough attention to direct measurement of the appearance of every individual pore in an array of many pores induced by the irradiation of polymer films with ions. Such measurements are not easy to carry out due to the extremely high electric resistance in the moment of pore opening. In this work the analysis of films irradiated with low particle fluences up to 3.7\cdot 10^{3} ions/cm^2 is described. Polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) Hostaphan with a thickness of 20 m was used. The samples were irradiated with Bi ions of 11.4 MeV/amu energy. Using optimized etching conditions and computer aided data evaluation we obtained results, which are in good agreement with theoretical predictions and model calculations. The measured increase of conductivity beginning from the breakthrough of a single track up to the next pore opening in dependence on the etching time and the number of opened pores confirm the assumed model. Thus, the developed "track-by-track" method can be used effectively for description of the sequential appearance of individual pores in an electrolytic etching process.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Registro creado el 2002-11-01, última modificación el 2007-07-05

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