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Report number ISN-01137
Title A New Shape Isomer In The N = Z Nucleus $^{72}$kr
Author(s) Becker, F ; Blank, B ; Borcea, C ; Bouchez, E ; Emsallem, A ; France, G ; Genevey, J ; Hannachi, F ; Hauschild, K ; Hürstel, A ; Korten, W ; Le Coz, Y L ; Lewitowicz, M ; Lucas, R ; Matea, I ; Negoita, F ; De Oliveira, F ; Pantelica, D ; Pinston, J A ; Rahkila, P ; Rejmund, M ; Stanoiu, M ; Theisen, C
Affiliation (Grenoble 1. Inst. Sci. Nucl.)
Publication 2001
Imprint 2001
Number of pages mult.
Presented at International Conference on Nuclear Physics at the Border Line, Lipari, Italy, 21 - 24 May 2001
Subject category Nuclear Physics


 Zapis kreiran 2002-07-19, zadnja izmjena 2017-01-12