CERN Accelerating science

Experiments at CERN
Title Measurement of the $\bar{p}p \rightarrow \bar{n}n$ Charge-Exchange Differential Cross-Section
Experiment PS206
Greybook See PS206 experiment
Approved 30 June 1992
Status Finished
Collaboration CCX
Accelerator CERN PS
Abstract The aim of this proposal is a measurement of the differential cross-section of the $\bar{p}$p $\rightarrow$ $\bar{n}$n charge-exchange reaction with a point-to-point precision of 1\% in the forward direction, and an absolute normalization error of 3\%. The high precision of the data should allow, inter alia, a determination of the $\pi$NN coupling constant to better than 2\%.

The measurement will be done using the existing neutron and antineutron detectors built for experiment PS199 and liquid hydrogen target. In one week of running time, with a $\bar{p}$ beam intensity of 3 $ 10 ^{5} $ $\bar{p}$/sec, the reaction will be measured at a few $\bar{p}$ momenta, in the range 500 to 900 MeV/c.
Related document(s) CERN-SPSLC-92-17  (SPSLC-P-269)
Contact: Rapin, D J

 Záznam vytvorený 2000-11-07, zmenený 2020-11-19