CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 10th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Related conference title(s) 2001 ACM CIKM
Information and Knowledge Management
Date(s), location 5 - 10 Nov 2001, Atlanta, GA, USA
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint New York, NY : ACM, 2001 - 597 p.
Subject category Information Transfer and Management
Free keywords data warehousing ; pattern mining ; query processing ; www
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Efficient processing of conical queries (p. 1)
by Ferhatosmanoglu, H
Effective nearest neighbor indexing with the Euclidean metric (p. 9)
by Kim, S W
Query-sensitive similarity measures for the calculation of interdocument relationships (p. 17)
by Tombros, A
Evaluating document clustering for interactive information retrieval (p. 33)
by Leuski, A
Extracting meaningful labels for WEBSOM text archives (p. 41)
by Azcarraga, A P
Exposing the vagueness of query results on partly inaccessible databases (p. 49)
by Haase, O
Towards a visual query interface for phylogenetic databases (p. 57)
by Jamil, H
A relational algebra for data/metadata integration in a federated database system (p. 65)
by Wyss, C
Approximately common patterns in shared-forests (p. 73)
by Vilares, M
Multi-dimensional sequential pattern mining (p. 81)
by Pinto, H
Mining confident rules without support requirement (p. 89)
by Wang, K
Combining multiple classifiers for text categorization (p. 97)
by Al-Kofahi, K
Text classification in a hierarchical mixture model for small training sets (p. 105)
by Toutanova, K
Using LSI for text classification in the presence of background text (p. 113)
by Zelikovitz, S
Keeping found things found on the web (p. 119)
by Jones, W
Merging techniques for performing data fusion on the Web (p. 127)
by Tsikrika, T
Using navigation data to improve IR functions in the context of web search (p. 135)
by Hansen, M
Mining the Web for answers to natural language questions (p. 143)
by Radev, D
Induction of integrated view for XML data with heterogeneous DTDs (p. 151)
by Jeong, E
Structural inference for semistructured data (p. 159)
by Sankey, J
XOO7: applying 007 benchmark to XML query processing tool (p. 167)
by Bressan, S
Structural proximity searching for large collections of semi-structured data (p. 175)
by Barg, M
The effectiveness of query expansion for distributed information retrieval (p. 183)
by Ogilvie, P
Approaches to collection selection and results merging for distributed information retrieval (p. 191)
by Rasolofo, Y
Exploiting a controlled vocabulary to improve collection selection and retrieval effectiveness (p. 199)
by French, J
Predicting the cost-quality trade-off for information retrieval queries : facilitating database design and query optimization(p. 207)
by Blok, H E
How foreign function integration conquers heterogeneous query processing (p. 215)
by Hergula, K
Joint optimization of cost and coverage of query plans in data integration (p. 223)
by Nie, Z
A music recommendation system based on music data grouping and user interests (p. 231)
by Chen, H C
Selecting relevant instances for efficient and accurate collaborative filtering (p. 239)
by Yu, K
Evaluation of item-based top-N recommendation algorithms (p. 247)
by Karypis, G
Prefix-querying; an approach for effective subsequence matching under time warping in sequence databases (p. 255)
by Park, S
Sliding-window filtering: an efficient algorithm for incremental mining (p. 263)
by Lee, C H
Efficient and robust feature extraction and pattern matching of time series by a lattice structure (p. 271)
by Polly, W P
Mining the web to create minority language corpora (p. 279)
by Ghani, R
Automatic recognition of distinguishing negative indirect history language in judicial opinions (p. 287)
by Conrad, J
Effective Arabic-English cross-language information retrieval via machine-readable dictionaries and machine translation (p. 295)
by Aljlayl, M
A near optimal algorithm for generating broadcast programs on multiple channels (p. 303)
by Hsu, C H
Managing trust in a peer-2peer information system (p. 310)
by Aberer, K
Alternative representations and abstractions for moving sensors databases (p. 318)
by Eisenstein, J
Termination analysis of active rules modular sets (p. 326)
by Couchot, A
Index filtering and view materialization in ROLAP environment (p. 334)
by Qiu, S G
Dynamic and hierarchical spatial access method using integer searching (p. 341)
by Cho, K
Efficient incremental view maintenance in data warehouses (p. 349)
by Lee, K Y
Improved string matching under Noisy channel conditions (p. 357)
by Collins-Thompson, K
Summarization as feature selection for text categorization (p. 365)
by Kolcz, A
Bootstrapping for example-based data extraction (p. 371)
by Golgher, P
SQL database primitives for decision tree classifiers (p. 379)
by Sattler, K U
Learning probabilistic catalog rules for information classification and transformation (p. 387)
by Nottelmann, H
SVM binary classifier ensembles for image classification (p. 395)
by Goh, K
Model-based feedback in the language modeling approach to information retrieval (p. 403)
by Zhai, C
PowerDB-IR-information retrieval on top of a database cluster (p. 411)
by Grabs, T
Automatic query expansion based on divergence (p. 419)
by Cai, D
Relevance score normalization for metasearch (p. 427)
by Montague, M
Binary interpolation search for solution mapping on broadcast and on-demand channels in a mobile computing environment (p. 434)
by Huang, J L
Caching constrained mobile data (p. 442)
by Mazumdar, S
Scaling replica maintenance in intermittently synchronized mobile databases (p. 450)
by Yee, W G
An optimal construction of invalidation reports for mobile databases (p. 458)
by Hou, W C
Efficient runtime generation of association rules (p. 466)
by Relue, R
Rapid association rule mining (p. 474)
by Das, A
Mining generalized disjunctive association rules (p. 482)
by Nanavati, A
Automatic discovery of salient segments in imperfect speech transcripts (p. 490)
by Ponceleon, D
Finding similar images quickly using object shapes (p. 498)
by Shen, H
Content-based retrieval of MP3 Music objects (p. 506)
by Liu, C C
In multimedia databases (p. 512)
by Mokbel, M
Tempus fugit: a system for making semantic connections (p. 520)
by Ford, D
FOCI: Flexible organizer for competitive intelligence (p. 523)
by Ong, H L
Towards speech as a knowledge resource (p. 526)
by Brown, E
Recent developments in text summarization (p. 529)
by Mani, I
Summarization of discussion groups (p. 532)
by Farrell, R
Question answering in TREC (p. 535)
by Vorhees, E
The Enosys markets data integration platform: lessons from the trenches (p. 538)
by Papakonstantinou, Y
Self-managing technology in IBM DB@ universal database (p. 541)
by Zilio, D
Talk [at the 10th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management] (p. 544)
by Rosenthal, A
Advanced grouping and aggregation for data integration (p. 547)
by Schallehn, E
Dynamic versioning concurrency control for index-based data access in main memory database systems (p. 550)
by Xia, Y
O-PreH: Optimistic transaction processing Algorithm based on pre-reordering in hybrid broadcast environments (p. 553)
by Kim, S S
Algorithm for discovering multivalued dependencies (p. 556)
by Yan, M H
A performance comparison of bitmap indexes (p. 559)
by Wu, K
Facilitating knowledge flow through the enterprise (p. 562)
by Bruno, J
Information access in implicit culture framework (p. 565)
by Blanzieri, E
Real time user context modeling for information retrieval agents (p. 568)
by Bauer, T
A clustering algorithm for asymmetrically related data with applications to text mining (p. 571)
by Krishna, K
Discovering the representative of a search engine (p. 577)
by Liu, K L
Advances in phonetic word spotting (p. 580)
by Amir, A
Reorganizing web sites based on user access patterns (p. 583)
by Fu, Y
A domain independent environment for creating information extraction modules (p. 586)
by Feldman, R
Ordinal association rules for error identification in data sets (p. 589)
by Marcus, A
XML, the WEB and database functionality (p. 592)
by Neuhold, E
What can researchers do to improve security of data and documents? (p. 593)
by Rosenthal, A
A statistical model for scientific readability (p. 774)
by Si Luo

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