CERN Accelerating science

000529238 001__ 529238
000529238 003__ SzGeCERN
000529238 005__ 20210817044234.0
000529238 0248_ $$$$pcerncds:hep-ex$$pcerncds:CERN$$pcerncds:CERN:FULLTEXT$$pcerncds:FULLTEXT
000529238 0247_ $$2DOI$$a10.1016/S0370-2693(01)01494-0
000529238 035__ $$9CERCER$$a2286157
000529238 035__ $$9SLAC$$a4801075
000529238 035__ $$9CERN annual report$$a2002-3.1933
000529238 035__ $$9SPIRES$$a4801075
000529238 035__ $$9Inspire$$a567915
000529238 037__ $$9arXiv$$ahep-ex/0112011$$chep-ex
000529238 037__ $$aCERN-EP-2001-086
000529238 041__ $$aeng
000529238 084__ $$2CERN Library$$aEP-2001-086
000529238 088__ $$9ep-2001-086
000529238 088__ $$aCERN-EP-2001-086
000529238 100__ $$aHeister, A.$$uAachen, Tech. Hochsch.
000529238 245__ $$aSearch for scalar leptons in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV
000529238 260__ $$c2002
000529238 269__ $$aGeneva$$bCERN$$c3 Dec 2001
000529238 300__ $$a15 p
000529238 340__ $$apaper
000529238 490__ $$aALEPH Papers
000529238 500__ $$aadded file ep-2001-086_Added_2002-02-15 submitted on 2002-02-15 14:24:51
000529238 500__ $$9arXiv$$a15 pages, 4 figures Report-no: CERN-EP/2001-086
000529238 520__ $$aA search for selectron, smuon and stau pair production is performed with the data collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV. The numbers of candidate events are consistent with the background predicted by the Standard Model. Final mass limits from ALEPH are reported.
000529238 520__ $$9Elsevier$$aA search for selectron, smuon and stau pair production is performed with the data collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV. The numbers of candidate events are consistent with the background predicted by the Standard Model. Final mass limits from ALEPH are reported.
000529238 520__ $$9arXiv$$aA search for selectron, smuon and stau pair production is performed with the data collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV. The numbers of candidate events are consistent with the background predicted by the Standard Model. Final mass limits from ALEPH are reported.
000529238 540__ $$3Preprint$$aCC-BY-4.0
000529238 542__ $$fElsevier Science B.V.
000529238 595__ $$a20011207SLAC
000529238 595__ $$aCERN EDS
000529238 595__ $$aCERN-EP
000529238 595__ $$aLANL EDS
000529238 595__ $$aOA
000529238 595__ $$aaffil a faire
000529238 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aParticle Physics - Experiment
000529238 690C_ $$aARTICLE
000529238 690C_ $$aCERN
000529238 693__ $$aCERN LEP$$eALEPH
000529238 695__ $$9MEDLINE$$asearches supersymmetry
000529238 695__ $$9LANL EDS$$aHigh Energy Physics - Experiment
000529238 700__ $$aSchael, S.$$uAachen, Tech. Hochsch.
000529238 700__ $$aBarate, R.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aBruneliere, R.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aDe Bonis, I.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aDecamp, D.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aGoy, C.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aJezequel, S.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aLees, J.P.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aMartin, F.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aMerle, E.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aMinard, M.N.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aPietrzyk, B.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aTrocme, B.$$uAnnecy, LAPP
000529238 700__ $$aBoix, G.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aBravo, S.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aCasado, M.P.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aChmeissani, M.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aCrespo, J.M.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aFernandez, E.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aFernandez-Bosman, M.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aGarrido, L.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aGrauges, E.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aLopez, J.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aMartinez, M.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aMerino, G.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aMiquel, R.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aMir, L.M.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aPacheco, A.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aPaneque, D.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aRuiz, H.$$uBarcelona, IFAE
000529238 700__ $$aColaleo, A.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aCreanza, D.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aDe Filippis, N.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$ade Palma, M.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aIaselli, G.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aMaggi, G.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aMaggi, M.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aNuzzo, S.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aRanieri, A.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aRaso, G.$$uPalermo U.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aRuggieri, F.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aSelvaggi, G.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aSilvestris, L.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aTempesta, P.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aTricomi, A.$$uINFN, Catania$$uCatania U.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aZito, G.$$uINFN, Bari$$uBari U.
000529238 700__ $$aHuang, X.$$uBeijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aLin, J.$$uBeijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aOuyang, Q.$$uBeijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aWang, T.$$uBeijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aXie, Y.$$uBeijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aXu, R.$$uBeijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aXue, S.$$uBeijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aZhang, J.$$uBeijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aZhang, L.$$uBeijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aZhao, W.$$uBeijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aAbbaneo, D.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aAzzurri, P.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aBarklow, T.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aBuchmuller, O.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aCattaneo, M.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aCerutti, F.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aClerbaux, B.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aDrevermann, H.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aForty, R.W.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aFrank, M.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aGianotti, F.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aGreening, T.C.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aHansen, J.B.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aHarvey, J.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aHutchcroft, D.E.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aJanot, P.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aJost, B.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aKado, M.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aMaley, P.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aMato, P.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aMoutoussi, A.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aRanjard, F.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aRolandi, Gigi$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aSchlatter, D.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aSguazzoni, G.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aTejessy, W.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aTeubert, F.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aValassi, A.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aVideau, I.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aWard, J.J.$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aBadaud, F.$$uClermont-Ferrand U.
000529238 700__ $$aDessagne, S.$$uClermont-Ferrand U.
000529238 700__ $$aFalvard, A.$$uClermont-Ferrand U.
000529238 700__ $$aFayolle, D.$$uClermont-Ferrand U.
000529238 700__ $$aGay, P.$$uClermont-Ferrand U.
000529238 700__ $$aJousset, J.$$uClermont-Ferrand U.
000529238 700__ $$aMichel, B.$$uClermont-Ferrand U.
000529238 700__ $$aMonteil, S.$$uClermont-Ferrand U.
000529238 700__ $$aPallin, D.$$uClermont-Ferrand U.
000529238 700__ $$aPascolo, J.M.$$uClermont-Ferrand U.
000529238 700__ $$aPerret, P.$$uClermont-Ferrand U.
000529238 700__ $$aHansen, J.D.$$uBohr Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aHansen, J.R.$$uBohr Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aHansen, P.H.$$uBohr Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aNilsson, B.S.$$uBohr Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aKyriakis, A.$$uBohr Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aWaananen, A.$$uBohr Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aKyriakis, A.$$uDemocritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.
000529238 700__ $$aMarkou, C.$$uDemocritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.
000529238 700__ $$aSimopoulou, E.$$uDemocritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.
000529238 700__ $$aVayaki, A.$$uDemocritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.
000529238 700__ $$aZachariadou, K.$$uDemocritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.
000529238 700__ $$aBlondel, A.$$uEcole Polytechnique
000529238 700__ $$aBrient, J.C.$$uEcole Polytechnique
000529238 700__ $$aMachefert, F.$$uEcole Polytechnique
000529238 700__ $$aRouge, A.$$uEcole Polytechnique
000529238 700__ $$aSwynghedauw, M.$$uEcole Polytechnique
000529238 700__ $$aTanaka, R.$$uEcole Polytechnique
000529238 700__ $$aVideau, H.$$uEcole Polytechnique
000529238 700__ $$aCiulli, V.$$uINFN, Florence$$uFlorence U.
000529238 700__ $$aFocardi, E.$$uINFN, Florence$$uFlorence U.
000529238 700__ $$aParrini, G.$$uINFN, Florence$$uFlorence U.
000529238 700__ $$aAntonelli, A.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aAntonelli, M.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aBencivenni, G.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aBologna, G.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aBossi, F.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aCampana, P.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aCapon, G.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aChiarella, V.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aLaurelli, P.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aMannocchi, G.$$uTurin, Cosmo-Geofisica Lab$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aMurtas, F.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aMurtas, G.P.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aPassalacqua, L.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aPepe-Altarelli, M.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aSpagnolo, P.$$uFrascati
000529238 700__ $$aKennedy, J.$$uGlasgow U.
000529238 700__ $$aLynch, J.G.$$uGlasgow U.
000529238 700__ $$aNegus, P.$$uGlasgow U.
000529238 700__ $$aO'Shea, V.$$uGlasgow U.
000529238 700__ $$aSmith, D.$$uGlasgow U.
000529238 700__ $$aThompson, A.S.$$uGlasgow U.
000529238 700__ $$aWasserbaech, S.$$uHaverford Coll.
000529238 700__ $$aCavanaugh, R.$$uKirchhoff Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aDhamotharan, S.$$uKirchhoff Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aGeweniger, C.$$uKirchhoff Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aHanke, P.$$uKirchhoff Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aHepp, V.$$uKirchhoff Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aKluge, E.E.$$uKirchhoff Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aLeibenguth, G.$$uKirchhoff Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aPutzer, A.$$uKirchhoff Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aTittel, K.$$uKirchhoff Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aWerner, S.$$uKirchhoff Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aWunsch, M.$$uKirchhoff Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aBeuselinck, R.$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aBinnie, D.M.$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aCameron, W.$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aDavies, G.$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aDornan, P.J.$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aGirone, M.$$uCERN$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aHill, R.D.$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aMarinelli, N.$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aNowell, J.$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aPrzysiezniak, H.$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aRutherford, S.A.$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aSedgbeer, J.K.$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aThompson, J.C.$$uRutherford$$uImperial Coll., London
000529238 700__ $$aGhete, V.M.$$uInnsbruck U.
000529238 700__ $$aGirtler, P.$$uInnsbruck U.
000529238 700__ $$aKneringer, E.$$uInnsbruck U.
000529238 700__ $$aKuhn, D.$$uInnsbruck U.
000529238 700__ $$aRudolph, G.$$uInnsbruck U.
000529238 700__ $$aBouhova-Thacker, E.$$uLancaster U.
000529238 700__ $$aBowdery, C.K.$$uLancaster U.
000529238 700__ $$aClarke, D.P.$$uLancaster U.
000529238 700__ $$aEllis, G.$$uLancaster U.
000529238 700__ $$aFinch, A.J.$$uLancaster U.
000529238 700__ $$aFoster, F.$$uLancaster U.
000529238 700__ $$aHughes, G.$$uLancaster U.
000529238 700__ $$aJones, R.W.L.$$uLancaster U.
000529238 700__ $$aPearson, M.R.$$uLancaster U.
000529238 700__ $$aRobertson, N.A.$$uLancaster U.
000529238 700__ $$aSmizanska, M.$$uLancaster U.
000529238 700__ $$aLemaitre, V.$$uLouvain U., Inst. Phys. Nucl.
000529238 700__ $$aBlumenschein, U.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aHolldorfer, F.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aJakobs, K.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aKayser, F.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aKleinknecht, K.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aMuller, A.S.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aQuast, G.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aRenk, B.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aSander, H.G.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aSchmeling, S.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aWachsmuth, H.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aZeitnitz, C.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aZiegler, T.$$uMainz U., Inst. Phys.
000529238 700__ $$aBonissent, A.$$uMarseille, CPPM
000529238 700__ $$aCarr, J.$$uMarseille, CPPM
000529238 700__ $$aCoyle, P.$$uMarseille, CPPM
000529238 700__ $$aCurtil, C.$$uMarseille, CPPM
000529238 700__ $$aEalet, A.$$uMarseille, CPPM
000529238 700__ $$aFouchez, D.$$uMarseille, CPPM
000529238 700__ $$aLeroy, O.$$uMarseille, CPPM
000529238 700__ $$aKachelhoffer, T.$$uMarseille, CPPM
000529238 700__ $$aPayre, P.$$uMarseille, CPPM
000529238 700__ $$aRousseau, D.$$uMarseille, CPPM
000529238 700__ $$aTilquin, A.$$uMarseille, CPPM
000529238 700__ $$aRagusa, F.$$uMilan U.$$uINFN, Milan
000529238 700__ $$aDavid, A.$$uMunich, Max Planck Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aDietl, H.$$uMunich, Max Planck Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aGanis, G.$$uMunich, Max Planck Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aHuttmann, K.$$uMunich, Max Planck Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aLutjens, G.$$uMunich, Max Planck Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aMannert, C.$$uMunich, Max Planck Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aManner, W.$$uMunich, Max Planck Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aMoser, H.G.$$uMunich, Max Planck Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aSettles, R.$$uMunich, Max Planck Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aStenzel, H.$$uMunich, Max Planck Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aWolf, G.$$uMunich, Max Planck Inst.
000529238 700__ $$aBoucrot, J.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$aCallot, O.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$aDavier, M.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$aDuflot, L.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$aGrivaz, J.F.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$aHeusse, P.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$aJacholkowska, A.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$aLoomis, C.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$aSerin, L.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$aVeillet, J.J.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$ade Vivie de Regie, J.B.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$aYuan, C.$$uOrsay, LAL
000529238 700__ $$aBagliesi, Giuseppe$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
000529238 700__ $$aBoccali, T.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
000529238 700__ $$aFoa, L.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
000529238 700__ $$aGiammanco, A.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
000529238 700__ $$aGiassi, A.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
000529238 700__ $$aLigabue, F.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
000529238 700__ $$aMessineo, A.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
000529238 700__ $$aPalla, F.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
000529238 700__ $$aSanguinetti, G.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
000529238 700__ $$aSciaba, A.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
000529238 700__ $$aTenchini, R.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aVenturi, A.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aVerdini, P.G.$$uPisa U.$$uINFN, Pisa$$uPisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
000529238 700__ $$aAwunor, O.$$uRoyal Holloway, U. of London
000529238 700__ $$aBlair, G.A.$$uRoyal Holloway, U. of London
000529238 700__ $$aColes, J.$$uRoyal Holloway, U. of London
000529238 700__ $$aCowan, G.$$uRoyal Holloway, U. of London
000529238 700__ $$aGarcia-Bellido, A.$$uRoyal Holloway, U. of London
000529238 700__ $$aGreen, M.G.$$uRoyal Holloway, U. of London
000529238 700__ $$aJones, L.T.$$uRoyal Holloway, U. of London
000529238 700__ $$aMedcalf, T.$$uRoyal Holloway, U. of London
000529238 700__ $$aMisiejuk, A.$$uRoyal Holloway, U. of London
000529238 700__ $$aStrong, J.A.$$uRoyal Holloway, U. of London
000529238 700__ $$aTeixeira-Dias, P.$$uRoyal Holloway, U. of London
000529238 700__ $$aClifft, R.W.$$uRutherford
000529238 700__ $$aEdgecock, T.R.$$uRutherford
000529238 700__ $$aNorton, P.R.$$uRutherford
000529238 700__ $$aTomalin, I.R.$$uRutherford
000529238 700__ $$aBloch-Devaux, Brigitte$$uDAPNIA, Saclay$$uCERN
000529238 700__ $$aBoumediene, D.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aColas, P.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aFabbro, B.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aLancon, E.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aLemaire, M.C.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aLocci, E.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aPerez, P.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aRander, J.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aRenardy, J.F.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aRosowsky, A.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aSeager, P.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aTrabelsi, A.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aTuchming, B.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aVallage, B.$$uDAPNIA, Saclay
000529238 700__ $$aKonstantinidis, N.$$uUC, Santa Cruz
000529238 700__ $$aLitke, A.M.$$uUC, Santa Cruz
000529238 700__ $$aTaylor, G.$$uUC, Santa Cruz
000529238 700__ $$aBooth, C.N.$$uSheffield U.
000529238 700__ $$aCartwright, S.$$uSheffield U.
000529238 700__ $$aCombley, F.$$uSheffield U.
000529238 700__ $$aHodgson, P.N.$$uSheffield U.
000529238 700__ $$aLehto, M.$$uSheffield U.
000529238 700__ $$aThompson, L.F.$$uSheffield U.
000529238 700__ $$aAffholderbach, K.$$uSiegen U.
000529238 700__ $$aBoehrer, Armin$$uSiegen U.
000529238 700__ $$aBrandt, S.$$uSiegen U.
000529238 700__ $$aGrupen, C.$$uSiegen U.
000529238 700__ $$aHess, J.$$uSiegen U.
000529238 700__ $$aNgac, A.$$uSiegen U.
000529238 700__ $$aPrange, G.$$uSiegen U.
000529238 700__ $$aSieler, U.$$uSiegen U.
000529238 700__ $$aBorean, C.$$uTrieste U.$$uINFN, Trieste
000529238 700__ $$aGiannini, G.$$uTrieste U.$$uINFN, Trieste
000529238 700__ $$aHe, H.$$uWashington U., Seattle
000529238 700__ $$aPutz, J.$$uWashington U., Seattle
000529238 700__ $$aRothberg, J.$$uWashington U., Seattle
000529238 700__ $$aArmstrong, S.R.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aBerkelman, Karl$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aCranmer, K.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aFerguson, D.P.S.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aGao, Y.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aGonzalez, S.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aHayes, O.J.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aHu, H.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aJin, S.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aKile, J.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aMcNamara, P.A., III$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aNielsen, J.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aPan, Y.B.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$avon Wimmersperg-Toeller, J.H.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aWiedenmann, W.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aWu, J.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aWu, Sau Lan$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aWu, X.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 700__ $$aZobernig, G.$$uWisconsin U., Madison
000529238 710__ $$gALEPH Collaboration
000529238 710__ $$5EP
000529238 773__ $$c206-220$$pPhys. Lett. B$$v526$$y2002
000529238 852__ $$cCERN ARC Library$$hCERN-EP-2001-086
000529238 859__ [email protected]
000529238 8564_ $$u$$yPreprint
000529238 8564_ $$81294628$$s503187$$u
000529238 8564_ $$81294617$$s27884$$u$$y00009 \small Numbers of selected events in the year 2000 data (left) and of expected background events from SM processes (right) in the search for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus. The density of shading reflects the number of events as indicated by the vertical scales. The kinematically accessible region at 209\,GeV is indicated by the vertical dotted lines. The diagonal dotted lines show the boundary of the domain allowed in the MSSM for a neutralino LSP.
000529238 8564_ $$81294618$$s26358$$u$$y00016 \small Upper limit at 95\% C.L. on the observed (left) and expected (right) production cross section at $\sqrt{s} = 208$ GeV, times the branching ratio into $\ell \Chiz_1$ for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus.
000529238 8564_ $$81294619$$s29199$$u$$y00007 \small Numbers of selected events in the year 2000 data (left) and of expected background events from SM processes (right) in the search for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus. The density of shading reflects the number of events as indicated by the vertical scales. The kinematically accessible region at 209\,GeV is indicated by the vertical dotted lines. The diagonal dotted lines show the boundary of the domain allowed in the MSSM for a neutralino LSP.
000529238 8564_ $$81294620$$s29207$$u$$y00005 \small Numbers of selected events in the year 2000 data (left) and of expected background events from SM processes (right) in the search for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus. The density of shading reflects the number of events as indicated by the vertical scales. The kinematically accessible region at 209\,GeV is indicated by the vertical dotted lines. The diagonal dotted lines show the boundary of the domain allowed in the MSSM for a neutralino LSP.
000529238 8564_ $$81294621$$s36816$$u$$y00011 \small Upper limit at 95\% C.L. on the observed (left) and expected (right) production cross section at $\sqrt{s} = 208$ GeV, times the branching ratio into $\ell \Chiz_1$ for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus.
000529238 8564_ $$81294622$$s32405$$u$$y00015 \small Upper limit at 95\% C.L. on the observed (left) and expected (right) production cross section at $\sqrt{s} = 208$ GeV, times the branching ratio into $\ell \Chiz_1$ for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus.
000529238 8564_ $$81294623$$s30693$$u$$y00014 \small Upper limit at 95\% C.L. on the observed (left) and expected (right) production cross section at $\sqrt{s} = 208$ GeV, times the branching ratio into $\ell \Chiz_1$ for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus.
000529238 8564_ $$81294624$$s37960$$u$$y00012 \small Upper limit at 95\% C.L. on the observed (left) and expected (right) production cross section at $\sqrt{s} = 208$ GeV, times the branching ratio into $\ell \Chiz_1$ for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus.
000529238 8564_ $$81294625$$s29629$$u$$y00006 \small Numbers of selected events in the year 2000 data (left) and of expected background events from SM processes (right) in the search for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus. The density of shading reflects the number of events as indicated by the vertical scales. The kinematically accessible region at 209\,GeV is indicated by the vertical dotted lines. The diagonal dotted lines show the boundary of the domain allowed in the MSSM for a neutralino LSP.
000529238 8564_ $$81294626$$s30132$$u$$y00010 \small Numbers of selected events in the year 2000 data (left) and of expected background events from SM processes (right) in the search for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus. The density of shading reflects the number of events as indicated by the vertical scales. The kinematically accessible region at 209\,GeV is indicated by the vertical dotted lines. The diagonal dotted lines show the boundary of the domain allowed in the MSSM for a neutralino LSP.
000529238 8564_ $$81294627$$s29839$$u$$y00013 \small Upper limit at 95\% C.L. on the observed (left) and expected (right) production cross section at $\sqrt{s} = 208$ GeV, times the branching ratio into $\ell \Chiz_1$ for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus.
000529238 8564_ $$81294629$$s29086$$u$$y00008 \small Numbers of selected events in the year 2000 data (left) and of expected background events from SM processes (right) in the search for (a) selectrons, (b) smuons and (c) staus. The density of shading reflects the number of events as indicated by the vertical scales. The kinematically accessible region at 209\,GeV is indicated by the vertical dotted lines. The diagonal dotted lines show the boundary of the domain allowed in the MSSM for a neutralino LSP.
000529238 8564_ $$82316642$$s9563$$u$$y00000 noimg: \small Integrated luminosities, centre-of-mass energy ranges and mean centre-of-mass energy values for data collected by the ALEPH detector from 1997 to 2000.: \small Selection criteria for the searches for acoplanar selectrons and smuons. The energies are expressed in\,GeV, the momenta in\,\gevc\ and the masses in\,\gevct. Di-fermion final state events, four-fermion final state events and photon conversions are denoted by 2f, 4f and $\gamma$ conv., respectively. The sliding energy cut is explained in Section~\protect\ref{sec:candi}.\vspace*{0.5cm}: \small Selection criteria for the search for acoplanar staus. The energies are expressed in\,GeV, the momenta in\,\gevc\ and the masses in\,\gevct. Di-fermion final state events, four-fermion final state events and photon conversions are denoted by 2f, 4f and $\gamma$ conv., respectively. The $p_\tau$ variable represents the smaller tau-jet momentum. The sliding energy cut is explained in Section~\protect\ref{sec:candi}. \vspace*{0.5cm}
000529238 8564_ $$846641$$s133759$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846642$$s133906$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846643$$s25622$$u$$y00019 \small Excluded regions at 95\% C.L. in the $m_{\sLepR}$ versus $m_{\Chiz_1}$ plane from slepton searches. The observed (shaded area) and expected (solid curve) limits are given for BR($\sLep^{\pm} \rightarrow \ell^{\pm} \Chiz_1) = 1$. For selectrons, $\mu = -200$\,\gevct\ and $\tanb = 2$ are assumed. The dashed curves give the observed limits when slepton cascade decays are taken into account. For staus, the dotted curve gives the most conservative limit, obtained for $\theta_{\sTau} \simeq 52^{\circ}$ and with cascade decay taken into account. For the dashed and dotted curves, BR ($\sLep^{\pm} \rightarrow \ell^{\pm} \Chiz_1$) is computed with the values $\mu = -200$\,\gevct\ and $\tanb = 2$, and a zero efficiency for the selection of the topologies arising from cascade decay is assumed. The kinematically accessible region at 209\,GeV is indicated by the vertical dash-dotted lines. The diagonal dash-dotted lines show the boundary of the domain allowed in the MSSM for a neutralino LSP.
000529238 8564_ $$846644$$s149110$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846645$$s26692$$u$$y00017 \small Excluded regions at 95\% C.L. in the $m_{\sLepR}$ versus $m_{\Chiz_1}$ plane from slepton searches. The observed (shaded area) and expected (solid curve) limits are given for BR($\sLep^{\pm} \rightarrow \ell^{\pm} \Chiz_1) = 1$. For selectrons, $\mu = -200$\,\gevct\ and $\tanb = 2$ are assumed. The dashed curves give the observed limits when slepton cascade decays are taken into account. For staus, the dotted curve gives the most conservative limit, obtained for $\theta_{\sTau} \simeq 52^{\circ}$ and with cascade decay taken into account. For the dashed and dotted curves, BR ($\sLep^{\pm} \rightarrow \ell^{\pm} \Chiz_1$) is computed with the values $\mu = -200$\,\gevct\ and $\tanb = 2$, and a zero efficiency for the selection of the topologies arising from cascade decay is assumed. The kinematically accessible region at 209\,GeV is indicated by the vertical dash-dotted lines. The diagonal dash-dotted lines show the boundary of the domain allowed in the MSSM for a neutralino LSP.
000529238 8564_ $$846646$$s134877$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846647$$s145318$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846648$$s138047$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846649$$s140890$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846650$$s16461$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846651$$s504486$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846651$$s875893$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846652$$s134121$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846653$$s134759$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846654$$s14256$$u$$y00004 \small Comparison between data (dots with error bars) and expected backgrounds (histograms) before anti-four-fermion and lepton identification cuts. For selectrons and smuons: (a) total visible mass (\mvis) and (b) momentum of the leading lepton ($p_1$). For staus: (c) total visible mass (\mvis) and (d) momentum of the leading lepton identified in the tau jet ($p_1$). The accumulation at zero in (d) corresponds to events with no leptons in either tau jet.
000529238 8564_ $$846655$$s138141$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846656$$s25509$$u$$y00018 \small Excluded regions at 95\% C.L. in the $m_{\sLepR}$ versus $m_{\Chiz_1}$ plane from slepton searches. The observed (shaded area) and expected (solid curve) limits are given for BR($\sLep^{\pm} \rightarrow \ell^{\pm} \Chiz_1) = 1$. For selectrons, $\mu = -200$\,\gevct\ and $\tanb = 2$ are assumed. The dashed curves give the observed limits when slepton cascade decays are taken into account. For staus, the dotted curve gives the most conservative limit, obtained for $\theta_{\sTau} \simeq 52^{\circ}$ and with cascade decay taken into account. For the dashed and dotted curves, BR ($\sLep^{\pm} \rightarrow \ell^{\pm} \Chiz_1$) is computed with the values $\mu = -200$\,\gevct\ and $\tanb = 2$, and a zero efficiency for the selection of the topologies arising from cascade decay is assumed. The kinematically accessible region at 209\,GeV is indicated by the vertical dash-dotted lines. The diagonal dash-dotted lines show the boundary of the domain allowed in the MSSM for a neutralino LSP.
000529238 8564_ $$846657$$s131919$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846658$$s138386$$u$$yFulltext
000529238 8564_ $$846659$$s17175$$u$$y00001 \small Comparison between data (dots with error bars) and expected backgrounds (histograms) before anti-four-fermion and lepton identification cuts. For selectrons and smuons: (a) total visible mass (\mvis) and (b) momentum of the leading lepton ($p_1$). For staus: (c) total visible mass (\mvis) and (d) momentum of the leading lepton identified in the tau jet ($p_1$). The accumulation at zero in (d) corresponds to events with no leptons in either tau jet.
000529238 8564_ $$846660$$s14909$$u$$y00002 \small Comparison between data (dots with error bars) and expected backgrounds (histograms) before anti-four-fermion and lepton identification cuts. For selectrons and smuons: (a) total visible mass (\mvis) and (b) momentum of the leading lepton ($p_1$). For staus: (c) total visible mass (\mvis) and (d) momentum of the leading lepton identified in the tau jet ($p_1$). The accumulation at zero in (d) corresponds to events with no leptons in either tau jet.
000529238 8564_ $$846661$$s17324$$u$$y00003 \small Comparison between data (dots with error bars) and expected backgrounds (histograms) before anti-four-fermion and lepton identification cuts. For selectrons and smuons: (a) total visible mass (\mvis) and (b) momentum of the leading lepton ($p_1$). For staus: (c) total visible mass (\mvis) and (d) momentum of the leading lepton identified in the tau jet ($p_1$). The accumulation at zero in (d) corresponds to events with no leptons in either tau jet.
000529238 901__ $$uCERN
000529238 916__ $$sn$$w200149$$ya2002
000529238 960__ $$a13
000529238 961__ $$c20101008$$h1654$$lCER01$$x20011205
000529238 963__ $$aPUBLIC
000529238 964__ $$a0001
000529238 970__ $$a002286157CER
000529238 980__ $$aARTICLE
000529238 980__ $$aALEPH_Papers