| The implications that the cold dark matter of the universe in general and in the Milky Way in particular are the lightest SUSY neutralinos is studied within the framework of supergravity (SUGRA) unified models with R-parity. The cosmological constraints imply that the neutralino-proton detection cross section for Milky Way neutralinos peaks at a neutralino mass of about 60 GeV, fortuitously at the mass suggested by the recent DAMA annual modulation data. If the DAMA data is a valid signal of Milky Way neutralinos, then the detection cross section of minimal (mSUGRA) models is consistent with the data for tan beta >or approximately=8-10, and for models with non-universal soft breaking for tan beta >or approximately=6-8. This leads to a number of predictions concerning the SUSY mass spectrum which are verifiable at the LHC and upgraded Tevatron. (9 refs). |