CERN Accelerating science

Report number hep-ph/0107268 ; FERMILAB-PUB-01-223-T ; EFI-01-33 ; CERN-TH-2001-218 ; EFI-2001-33-[CHICAGO] ; FERMILAB-PUB-2001-223-T
Title GUT Breaking on the Lattice
Related titleGrand unified theories
Author(s) Cheng, Hsin-Chia (Chicago U., EFI) ; Matchev, Konstantin T. (CERN) ; Wang, Jing (Fermilab)
Affiliation (CERN) ; (Fermilab) ; (Univ. Chicago)
Publication 2001
Imprint 26 Jul 2001
Number of pages 11
Note 11 pages, 1 fig, reference added Report-no: FERMILAB-Pub-01/223-T
In: Phys. Lett. B 521 (2001) 308-314
DOI 10.1016/S0370-2693(01)01205-9
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract We construct a supersymmetric grand unified model in the framework of a latticized extra dimension. The SU(5) symmetries on the lattice are broken by the vacuum expectation values of the link fields connecting adjacent SU(5) sites, leaving just the MSSM at low energies. Below the SU(5) breaking scale, the theory gives rise to a similar spectrum as in orbifold breaking of SU(5) symmetry in 5 dimensions, and shares many features with the latter scenario. We discuss gauge coupling unification and proton decay emphasizing the differences with respect to the usual grand unified theories. Our model may be viewed as an effective four dimensional description of the orbifold symmetry breaking in higher dimensions.
Copyright/License Copyright © unknown. Published by Elsevier B.V. (License: CC-BY-3.0)

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 Datensatz erzeugt am 2001-07-27, letzte Änderung am 2023-03-14

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