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Report number JINR-P13-2000-173 ; P13-2000-173
Title User-Friendly Interface for Documentation of Diagrams and Control of Parameters in Complex Physical Experiments
Author(s) Gruszecki, M ; Manafov, A Ya ; Nikonov, E G
Affiliation (Laboratory of Information Technologies and Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Dubna) ; (The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics (NINP))
Publication 2000
Imprint 2000
Number of pages 30
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Abstract A new idea of Active Diagram, which is user interface for object-oriented data set, is proposed. There are no restrictions on formats and quantity of data, which can be completely of different types, formats, to have different capacities and to be stored in different places. Moreover, dependencies among them are shown in visual form as a structural diagram. The active element of the diagram opens its internal structure when going to lower level of detailization, what repeats on any level. The prototype of Active-Diagram for the COMBAS setup, working with beams of heavy ions of the U-400M cyclotron of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR, has been applied. The structure and content of electronic system for registration of nuclear reactions products are especially pointed out. Applications of Active Diagram for various systems and devices are possible, irrespective of application sphere and complication degree.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Record created 2001-06-29, last modified 2005-08-28

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