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Report number P11-2000-13
Title Asymptotic Approximation of Solutions and Eigenvalues of a Boundary Problem for a Singular Perturbated Relativistic Analog of Schroedinger Equation
Author(s) Amirkhanov, I V ; Zhidkov, E P ; Zhidkova, I E ; Vasilev, S A
Affiliation (Laboratory of Computing Techniques and Automation, Dubna) ; (People's Friendship University of Russia)
Publication 2000
Imprint 31 Jan 2000
Number of pages 18
Published in: Diff. Uravneniya
Subject category Mathematical Physics and Mathematics
Abstract Asymptotics of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues has been obtained for a singular perturbated relativistic analog of Schr`dinger equation. A singular convergence of asymptotic expansions of the boundary problems to degenerated problems is shown for a nonrelativistic Schr`dinger equation. The expansions obtained are in a good agreement with a numeric experiment.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Записът е създаден на 2001-05-31, последна промяна на 2006-02-10

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