CERN Accelerating science

Tadpole diagram
QED Polarization tensor containing an electron-positron loop
Dispersion relations of longitudinal and transverse photons in a QED plasma
Polarization tensor in Fermi theory with an external neutrino current containing an electron-positron loop
Ratio of the differential rate in a magnetic field to zero magnetic field for annihilation (solid line) and gyromagnetic absorption (dashed line) of a 4 MeV $\nu$ and a 5 MeV $\bar{\nu}$ in an $e^\pm$-plasma at $T=2$ MeV as a function of $B$
Annihilation and gyromagnetic absorption rate in an $e^\pm$-plasma at $T=2$ MeV as a function of the $\nu$ energy at $B=4 \times 10^{15}$ G
Annihilation and gyromagnetic absorption rate in an $e^\pm$-plasma at $T=2$ MeV as a function of $\theta$, the poloidal angle between the incoming $\bar{\nu}$ and the magnetic field
Mass-radius relation of pure strange stars (left) and hybrid stars (right) for different values of $g$. QC=star has a quark core, MC=star has a mixed core, H=pure hadron star
Lowest order photon self energy of the effective theory for photon-photon interaction. The blob denotes the effective 4-photon vertex.