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Report number hep-ph/0010338 ; FERMILAB-CONF-00-279-T ; SCIPP-00-37 ; FERMILAB-CONF-2000-279-T ; SCIPP-2000-37
Title Report of the Higgs Working Group of the Tevatron Run 2 SUSY/Higgs Workshop
Related titleReport of the Tevatron Higgs working group
Author(s) Carena, Marcela (Fermilab) ; Conway, John S. (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Haber, Howard E. (UC, Santa Cruz) ; Hobbs, John D. (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Albrow, Michael G. ; Baer, Howard ; Barberis, Emanuela ; Barrientos Bendezu, A.A. ; Bhat, Pushpalatha ; Belyaev, Alexander ; Balazs, Csaba ; Bokhari, Wasiq ; Borzumati, Francesca ; Chakraborty, Dhiman ; Coarasa Perez, Jose Antonio ; Culbertson, Ray ; Demina, Regina ; Diaz-Cruz, J.Lorenzo ; Dicus, Duane ; Dobrescu, Bogdan A. ; Dorigo, Tommaso ; Dreiner, Herbert K. ; Ellis, R.Keith ; Frisch, Henry J. ; Garcia, David ; Gilmartin, Russell ; Gonzalez-Garcia, Maria Concepion ; Guasch, Jaume ; Goussiou, Anna ; Han, Tao ; Harris, Brian W. ; He, Hong-Jian ; Hedin, David ; Heinemeyer, Sven ; Heintz, Ulrich ; Hollik, Wolfgang ; Jesik, Richard ; Kilminster, Ben ; Kniehl, Bernd A. ; Kneur, Jean-Loic ; Kuhlmann, Stephen ; Kruse, Mark ; Lami, Stefano ; Landsberg, Greg L. ; Lietti, Sergio M. ; Litvintsev, Dmitri ; Loomis, Charles ; Lucotte, Arnaud ; Matchev, Konstantin T. ; Mrenna, Stephen ; Murat, Pasha ; Novaes, Sergio F. ; Polonsky, Nir ; Prosper, Harrison ; Pukhov, Alexander ; Ribon, Alberto ; Roco, Maria ; Rostovtsev, Andrey ; Schmitt, Michael ; Sirotenko, Vladimir ; Snihur, Robert ; Sola, Joan ; Spira, Michael ; Stelzer, Tim ; Sullivan, Zack ; Tait, Timothy M.P. ; Tata, Xerxes ; Turcot, Andre S. ; Valls, Juan ; Veseli, Sinisa ; Vilar, Rocio ; Watts, Gordon ; Wagner, Carlos E.M. ; Weiglein, Georg ; Willenbrock, Scott ; Womersley, John ; Yao, Weiming ; Yuan, Chien-Peng ; Zeppenfeld, Dieter ; Zhang, Ren-Jie
Publication 2000
Collaboration Higgs Working Group
Imprint 31 Oct 2000
Number of pages 185
Note Part 6 of Physics at Run II SUSY/Higgs report: available as fermilab-pub-00-349-1 (part 1), hep-ph/0003154 (part 2), hep-ph/0008070 (part 3), and hep-ph/9906224 (part 4), and hep-ph/0006162 (part 5), and hep-ph/0010338 (part 6)
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract This report presents the theoretical analysis relevant for Higgs physics at the upgraded Tevatron collider and documents the Higgs Working Group simulations to estimate the discovery reach in Run 2 for the Standard Model and MSSM Higgs bosons. Based on a simple detector simulation, we have determined the integrated luminosity necessary to discover the SM Higgs in the mass range 100-190 GeV. The first phase of the Run 2 Higgs search, with a total integrated luminosity of 2 fb-1 per detector, will provide a 95% CL exclusion sensitivity comparable to that expected at the end of the LEP2 run. With 10 fb-1 per detector, this exclusion will extend up to Higgs masses of 180 GeV, and a tantalizing 3 sigma effect will be visible if the Higgs mass lies below 125 GeV. With 25 fb-1 of integrated luminosity per detector, evidence for SM Higgs production at the 3 sigma level is possible for Higgs masses up to 180 GeV. However, the discovery reach is much less impressive for achieving a 5 sigma Higgs boson signal. Even with 30 fb-1 per detector, only Higgs bosons with masses up to about 130 GeV can be detected with 5 sigma significance. These results can also be re-interpreted in the MSSM framework and yield the required luminosities to discover at least one Higgs boson of the MSSM Higgs sector. With 5-10 fb-1 of data per detector, it will be possible to exclude at 95% CL nearly the entire MSSM Higgs parameter space, whereas 20-30 fb-1 is required to obtain a 5 sigma Higgs discovery over a significant portion of the parameter space. Moreover, in one interesting region of the MSSM parameter space (at large tan(beta)), the associated production of a Higgs boson and a b b-bar pair is significantly enhanced and provides potential for discovering a non-SM-like Higgs boson in Run 2.
Other source Inspire
Submitted by [email protected]


 Notice créée le 2000-11-01, modifiée le 2020-07-14

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