CERN Accelerating science

\capstyl Distribution, at preselection level, of the minimum value of the energy-weighted angular dispersion $\Delta\theta_3$ in the four-b channel for data (dots with error bars), simulated background (solid histogram), and the signal for $\mh = \mA = 90$\,\Gcs~(dashed histogram). The signal histogram has an arbitrary normalization.
\capstyl Distributions of the neural network output used to select four-jet \h\Z\ candidates for data (dots with error bars), simulated background (solid histograms), and simulated Higgs signal with an arbitrary normalization for $\mh = 107$\,\Gcs\ (dashed histogram), after preselection criteria have been applied.
noimg\capstyl The numbers of signal and background events expected, and the numbers of candidate events observed in the data for each channel. The signal expectation is computed for the \h\Z\ process with a Higgs boson mass of 107\,\Gcs, and that for the \h\A\ process with a common Higgs boson mass of 90\,\Gcs. The background yield is subdivided into \Z\Z\ (including Zee and \Z\nunu), \W\W\ (including $\W\e\nu$), and \ffbar\ (including $\gamma\gamma\rightarrow\ffbar$). The \ffbar\ composition is entirely $\qq$ for the visible Higgs boson and hadronic invisible Higgs boson decay channels, and $\lplm$ and $\gamma\gamma~\to\lplm$ for the leptonic invisible Higgs boson decay channel. Systematic uncertainties are given for each background.
\capstyl Distributions of the reconstructed Higgs boson mass $M_{\mathrm{h}}$ for the data (dots with error bars) selected in the \h\Z\ searches by (a) the NN stream, and (b) the cut stream. The histograms show the Standard Model background expectation.
\capstyl Distributions of the reconstructed Higgs boson mass $M_{\mathrm{h}}$ for the data (dots with error bars) selected in the \h\Z\ searches by (a) the NN stream, and (b) the cut stream. The histograms show the Standard Model background expectation.
\capstyl Distribution of the reconstructed Higgs boson mass $M_{\mathrm{h}}$ for the data (dots with error bars) and the expected background (histogram) in the invisibly decaying Higgs boson searches for the acoplanar lepton and the acoplanar jet final states.
\capstyl Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) CL curves for (a) the background hypothesis and (b) the signal hypothesis for the NN stream, as functions of the hypothesized Standard Model Higgs boson mass $m_{\mathrm{h}}$. For the signal hypothesis (b), the intersections of the horizontal line at $5\%$ with the curves define the observed and expected $95\%$ CL lower limits on the Standard Model Higgs boson mass.
\capstyl The expected (dashed) and observed (solid) excluded regions at $95\%$ CL in the plane $[m_\mathrm{h},\sin^{2}(\beta-\alpha)]$ for (a) the NN stream and (b) the cut stream.Caption not extracted
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\capstyl The expected (dashed) and observed (solid) excluded regions at $95\%$ CL for the NN stream in the [\mh, \tanb] plane of the \MSSM\ for (a) the $m_{\mathrm{h}}^{\mathrm{max}}$ parameter set and (b) the no mixing scenario. The densely hatched regions are not allowed theoretically.
\small Observed (solid) and expected (dashed) regions excluded at the $95\%$ CL in the (\mh,$\xi^2$) plane for an invisibly decaying Higgs boson.Caption not extracted
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