CERN Accelerating science

Title CVD diamond pixel detectors for LHC experiments

Wedenig, R ; Adam, W ; Bauer, C ; Berdermann, E ; Bergonzo, P ; Bogani, F ; Borchi, E ; Brambilla, A ; Bruzzi, Mara (INFN and Universita', Firenze, Italy) ; Colledani, C ; Conway, J ; Dabrowski, W ; Delpierre, P A ; Deneuville, A ; Dulinski, W ; van Eijk, B ; Fallou, A ; Fizzotti, F ; Foulon, F ; Friedl, M ; Gan, K K ; Gheeraert, E ; Grigoriev, E ; Hallewell, G D ; Hall-Wilton, R ; Han, S ; Hartjes, F G ; Hrubec, Josef ; Husson, D ; Kagan, H ; Kania, D R ; Kaplon, J ; Karl, C ; Kass, R ; Knöpfle, K T ; Krammer, Manfred ; Lo Giudice, A ; Lü, R ; Manfredi, P F ; Manfredotti, C ; Marshall, R D ; Meier, D ; Mishina, M ; Oh, A ; Pan, L S ; Palmieri, V G ; Pernicka, Manfred ; Peitz, A ; Pirollo, S ; Polesello, P ; Pretzl, Klaus P ; Procario, M ; Re, V ; Riester, J L ; Roe, S ; Roff, D G ; Rudge, A ; Runólfsson, O ; Russ, J ; Schnetzer, S R ; Sciortino, S ; Speziali, V ; Stelzer, H ; Stone, R ; Suter, B ; Tapper, R J ; Tesarek, R J ; Trawick, M L ; Trischuk, W ; Vittone, E ; Wagner, A ; Walsh, A M ; Weilhammer, Peter ; White, C ; Zeuner, W ; Ziock, H J ; Zöller, M

Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 1999
Imprint 1999
In: Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 78 (1999) 497-504
DOI 10.1016/S0920-5632(99)00593-9
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; RD42
Abstract This paper reviews the development of CVD diamond pixel detectors. The preparation of the diamond pixel sensors for bump-bonding to the pixel readout electronics for the LHC and the results from beam tests carried out at CERN are described. (9 refs).

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 Record created 2000-04-04, last modified 2016-06-30