CERN Accelerating science

Title Numerical simulation of multicomponent ion beams in transport lines
Author(s) Alexandrov, V S ; Batygin, Yu V ; Kazarinov, Yu M ; Shevtsov, V P ; Shirkov, G D
Affiliation (JINR)
Publication 1999
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 480 (1999) pp.189-208
In: Conference on Space Charge Dominated Beam Physics for Heavy Ion Fusion, Saitama, Japan, 10 - 12 Dec 1998, pp.189-208
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract A program library for numerical simulation of a multicomponent charged particle beam in transport lines is presented. The library is aimed for simulation of high current, low energy multicomponent ion beam from ion source through beamline and realized under the Windows user interface for the IBM PC. It is used for simulation and optimization of beam dynamics and based on successive and consistent application of two methods: the momentum method of distribution function (RMS technique) and particle in cell method. The library has been used to simulate and optimize the transportation of tantalum ion beam from the laser ion source through the Low Energy Beam Transport line (LEBT) into the ionic RFQ linac at CERN. (17 refs).

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