CERN Accelerating science

      author        = "Bialkowska, H and Blumenfeld, H and Derré, J and Ermolov,
                       P F and Jabiol, M A and Kistenev, E P and
                       Laberrigue-Frolow, J and Moiseev, A M and Nguyen Huu Khanh
                       and Otwinowski, S and Pauli, E and Sanko, L A and
                       Starchenko, E A and Van der Velde, J C and Vlasov, E V",
      title         = "{Study of reactions with an identified proton in pp
                       interactions at 69 GeV/c}",
      institution   = "Protvino Inst. High Energy Phys.",
      reportNumber  = "IFVE-M-11",
      address       = "Serpukhov",
      year          = "1974",
      url           = "",