CERN Accelerating science

Title Undergraduate experiment to find nuclear sizes by measuring total cross sections for fast neutrons
Author(s) Minor, T C ; Martin, F D ; Montgomery, H E ; Okun, L M ; Fowler, J L
Affiliation (Oak Ridge Nat Lab)
Publication 1969
In: Am. J. Phys.
Abstract Pu- alpha -Be neutron sources, now available in many college laboratories, used with stilbene crystal detectors and proper circuits for neutron-gamma discrimination, permit students to measure fast-neutron total cross sections for a number of easily obtained samples. From these measurements they may calculate the size of nuclei and, using elements covering a wide range of the periodic table, demonstrate the constant density of nuclear matter.

 Запись создана 1999-12-10, последняя модификация 2007-03-27