CERN Accelerating science

000379808 001__ 379808
000379808 003__ SzGeCERN
000379808 005__ 20180924173429.0
000379808 0247_ $$2DOI$$a10.1007/s100520050627
000379808 0248_ $$$$pcerncds:CERN$$pcerncds:CERN:FULLTEXT$$pcerncds:FULLTEXT
000379808 035__ $$9CERCER$$a0305374
000379808 035__ $$9SLAC$$a3975770
000379808 035__ $$9INSPEC$$a6471483
000379808 035__ $$9CERN annual report$$a2001-3.1860
000379808 035__ $$9SPIRES$$a3975770
000379808 035__ $$9Inspire$$a495805
000379808 037__ $$aCERN-EP-99-014
000379808 041__ $$aeng
000379808 084__ $$2CERN Library$$aEP-1999-014
000379808 088__ $$9ep-99-014
000379808 100__ $$aBarate, R
000379808 245__ $$aSearch for charginos and neutralinos in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at centre-of-mass energies near 183 GeV and constraints on the MSSM parameter space
000379808 260__ $$c1999
000379808 269__ $$aGeneva$$bCERN$$c5 Feb 1999
000379808 300__ $$a48 p
000379808 340__ $$apaper
000379808 490__ $$aALEPH Papers
000379808 520__ $$aSearches for charginos and neutralinos are performed with the data collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies near 183 GeV. In these searches, it is assumed that R-parity is conserved and that the lightest neutralino is the LSP. No evidence of a signal is observed in the 57 pb-1 accumulated, which excludes chargino and associated neutralino production up to the kinematic limit over large regions of the MSSM parameter space. Under the assumptions of common gaugino and common sfermion masses at the unification scale, the interplay between the chargino, neutralino and slepton exclusions allows a lower limit of 27 GeV/c2 to be set on the mass of the lightest neutralino. Tighter constraints on the MSSM parameter space are obtained using in addition exclusions in the Higgs sector. Finally, the results are interpreted within the framework of minimal supergravity.
000379808 595__ $$aCERN EDS
000379808 595__ $$aCERN-EP
000379808 595__ $$aOA
000379808 595__ $$aSIS INSP2001
000379808 595__ $$aSIS:2001 PR/LKR added
000379808 595__ $$i6471483
000379808 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aParticle Physics - Experiment
000379808 6531_ $$9CERN$$ae+ e-
000379808 690C_ $$aARTICLE
000379808 690C_ $$aCERN
000379808 693__ $$aCERN LEP$$eALEPH
000379808 695__ $$9MEDLINE$$asearches supersymmetry
000379808 700__ $$aDécamp, D
000379808 700__ $$aGhez, P
000379808 700__ $$aGoy, C
000379808 700__ $$aJézéquel, S
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2075267$$9#BEARD#$$aLees, J P
000379808 700__ $$aMartin, F
000379808 700__ $$aMerle, E
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2069466$$9#BEARD#$$aMinard, M N
000379808 700__ $$aNief, J Y
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2073332$$9#BEARD#$$aPietrzyk, B
000379808 700__ $$aAlemany, R
000379808 700__ $$aCasado, M P
000379808 700__ $$aChmeissani, M
000379808 700__ $$aCrespo, J M
000379808 700__ $$aDelfino, M C
000379808 700__ $$aFernández, E
000379808 700__ $$aFernández-Bosman, M
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2077068$$9#BEARD#$$aGarrido, L
000379808 700__ $$aGraugès-Pous, E
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2079497$$9#BEARD#$$aJuste, A
000379808 700__ $$aMartínez, M
000379808 700__ $$aMerino, G
000379808 700__ $$aMiquel, R
000379808 700__ $$aMir, L M
000379808 700__ $$aMorawitz, P
000379808 700__ $$aPacheco, A
000379808 700__ $$aPark, I C
000379808 700__ $$aPascual, A
000379808 700__ $$aRiu, I
000379808 700__ $$aSánchez, F
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2108476$$9#BEARD#$$aColaleo, A
000379808 700__ $$aCreanza, D
000379808 700__ $$aDe Palma, M
000379808 700__ $$aGelao, G
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2067819$$9#BEARD#$$aIaselli, Giuseppe
000379808 700__ $$aMaggi, G
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2067147$$9#BEARD#$$aMaggi, M
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2071884$$9#BEARD#$$aNuzzo, S
000379808 700__ $$aRanieri, A
000379808 700__ $$aRaso, G
000379808 700__ $$aRuggieri, F
000379808 700__ $$aSelvaggi, G
000379808 700__ $$aSilvestris, L
000379808 700__ $$aTempesta, P
000379808 700__ $$aTricomi, A
000379808 700__ $$aZito, G
000379808 700__ $$aHuang, X
000379808 700__ $$aLin, J
000379808 700__ $$aOuyang, Q
000379808 700__ $$aWang, T
000379808 700__ $$aXie, Y
000379808 700__ $$aXu, R
000379808 700__ $$aXue, S
000379808 700__ $$aZhang, J
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2072922$$9#BEARD#$$aZhang, L
000379808 700__ $$aZhao, W
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2067149$$9#BEARD#$$aAbbaneo, D
000379808 700__ $$aBecker, U
000379808 700__ $$aBoix, G
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2051417$$9#BEARD#$$aCattaneo, M
000379808 700__ $$aCiulli, V
000379808 700__ $$aDissertori, G
000379808 700__ $$aDrevermann, H
000379808 700__ $$aForty, Roger W
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2067153$$9#BEARD#$$aFrank, M
000379808 700__ $$aGianotti, F
000379808 700__ $$aHalley, A W
000379808 700__ $$aHansen, J B
000379808 700__ $$aHarvey, J
000379808 700__ $$aJanot, P
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2067146$$9#BEARD#$$aJost, B
000379808 700__ $$aLehraus, Ivan
000379808 700__ $$aLeroy, O
000379808 700__ $$aLoomis, C
000379808 700__ $$aMaley, P
000379808 700__ $$aMato, P
000379808 700__ $$aMinten, Adolf G
000379808 700__ $$aMoutoussi, A
000379808 700__ $$aRanjard, F
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2050982$$9#BEARD#$$aRolandi, Luigi
000379808 700__ $$aRousseau, D
000379808 700__ $$aSchlatter, W D
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2072356$$9#BEARD#$$aSchmitt, M
000379808 700__ $$aSchneider, O
000379808 700__ $$aTejessy, W
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2067152$$9#BEARD#$$aTeubert, F
000379808 700__ $$aTomalin, I R
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2082080$$9#BEARD#$$aTournefier, E
000379808 700__ $$aVreeswijk, M
000379808 700__ $$aWright, A E
000379808 700__ $$aAjaltouni, Ziad J
000379808 700__ $$aBadaud, F
000379808 700__ $$aChazelle, G
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2069081$$9#BEARD#$$aDeschamps, O
000379808 700__ $$aDessagne, S
000379808 700__ $$aFalvard, A
000379808 700__ $$aFerdi, C
000379808 700__ $$aGay, P
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2079670$$9#BEARD#$$aGuicheney, C
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2077109$$9#BEARD#$$aHenrard, P
000379808 700__ $$aJousset, J
000379808 700__ $$aMichel, B
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2068495$$9#BEARD#$$aMonteil, S
000379808 700__ $$aMontret, J C
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2108722$$9#BEARD#$$aPallin, D
000379808 700__ $$aPerret, P
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2073268$$9#BEARD#$$aPodlyski, F
000379808 700__ $$aHansen, J D
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2072622$$9#BEARD#$$aHansen, J R
000379808 700__ $$aHansen, P H
000379808 700__ $$aNilsson, B S
000379808 700__ $$aRensch, B
000379808 700__ $$aWäänänen, A
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2068190$$9#BEARD#$$aDaskalakis, G
000379808 700__ $$aKyriakis, A
000379808 700__ $$aMarkou, C
000379808 700__ $$aSimopoulou, Errietta
000379808 700__ $$aVayaki, Anna
000379808 700__ $$aBlondel, A
000379808 700__ $$aBrient, J C
000379808 700__ $$aMachefert, F P
000379808 700__ $$aRougé, A
000379808 700__ $$aSwynghedauw, M
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2067245$$9#BEARD#$$aTanaka, R
000379808 700__ $$aValassi, Andrea
000379808 700__ $$aVideau, H L
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2070478$$9#BEARD#$$aFocardi, E
000379808 700__ $$aParrini, G
000379808 700__ $$aZachariadou, K
000379808 700__ $$aCavanaugh, R J
000379808 700__ $$aCorden, M
000379808 700__ $$aGeorgiopoulos, C H
000379808 700__ $$aAntonelli, A
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2070995$$9#BEARD#$$aBencivenni, G
000379808 700__ $$aBologna, G
000379808 700__ $$aBossi, F
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2069028$$9#BEARD#$$aCampana, P
000379808 700__ $$aCapon, G
000379808 700__ $$aCerutti, F
000379808 700__ $$aChiarella, V
000379808 700__ $$aLaurelli, P
000379808 700__ $$aMannocchi, G
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2072974$$9#BEARD#$$aMurtas, F
000379808 700__ $$aMurtas, G P
000379808 700__ $$aPassalacqua, L
000379808 700__ $$aPepé-Altarelli, M
000379808 700__ $$aChalmers, M
000379808 700__ $$aCurtis, L
000379808 700__ $$aLynch, J G
000379808 700__ $$aNegus, P
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2073502$$9#BEARD#$$aO'Shea, V
000379808 700__ $$aRäven, B
000379808 700__ $$aRaine, C
000379808 700__ $$aSmith, D
000379808 700__ $$aTeixeira-Dias, P
000379808 700__ $$aThompson, A S
000379808 700__ $$aWard, J J
000379808 700__ $$aBuchmüller, O L
000379808 700__ $$aDhamotharan, S
000379808 700__ $$aGeweniger, C
000379808 700__ $$aHanke, P
000379808 700__ $$aHansper, G
000379808 700__ $$aHepp, V
000379808 700__ $$aKluge, E E
000379808 700__ $$aPutzer, A
000379808 700__ $$aSommer, J
000379808 700__ $$aTittel, K
000379808 700__ $$aWerner, S
000379808 700__ $$aWunsch, M
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2071586$$9#BEARD#$$aBeuselinck, R
000379808 700__ $$aBinnie, David M
000379808 700__ $$aCameron, W
000379808 700__ $$aDornan, Peter J
000379808 700__ $$aGirone, M
000379808 700__ $$aGoodsir, S M
000379808 700__ $$aMarinelli, N
000379808 700__ $$aMartin, E B
000379808 700__ $$aNash, J
000379808 700__ $$aNowell, J
000379808 700__ $$aSedgbeer, J K
000379808 700__ $$aSpagnolo, P
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2077611$$9#BEARD#$$aThomson, E
000379808 700__ $$aWilliams, M D
000379808 700__ $$aGhete, V M
000379808 700__ $$aGirtler, P
000379808 700__ $$aKneringer, E
000379808 700__ $$aKuhn, D
000379808 700__ $$aRudolph, G
000379808 700__ $$aBetteridge, A P
000379808 700__ $$aBowdery, C K
000379808 700__ $$aBuck, P G
000379808 700__ $$aColrain, P
000379808 700__ $$aCrawford, G
000379808 700__ $$aEllis, G
000379808 700__ $$aFinch, A J
000379808 700__ $$aFoster, F
000379808 700__ $$aHughes, G
000379808 700__ $$aJones, R W L
000379808 700__ $$aRobertson, N A
000379808 700__ $$aWilliams, M
000379808 700__ $$aVan Gemmeren, P
000379808 700__ $$aGiehl, I
000379808 700__ $$aHölldorfer, F
000379808 700__ $$aHoffmann, C
000379808 700__ $$aJakobs, K
000379808 700__ $$aKleinknecht, K
000379808 700__ $$aKröcker, M
000379808 700__ $$aNürnberger, H A
000379808 700__ $$aQuast, G
000379808 700__ $$aRenk, B
000379808 700__ $$aRohne, E
000379808 700__ $$aSander, H G
000379808 700__ $$aSchmeling, S
000379808 700__ $$aWachsmuth, H W
000379808 700__ $$aZeitnitz, C
000379808 700__ $$aZiegler, T
000379808 700__ $$aAubert, Jean-Jacques
000379808 700__ $$aBenchouk, C
000379808 700__ $$aBonissent, A
000379808 700__ $$aCarr, J
000379808 700__ $$aCoyle, P
000379808 700__ $$aEalet, A
000379808 700__ $$aFouchez, D
000379808 700__ $$aMotsch, F
000379808 700__ $$aPayre, P
000379808 700__ $$aTalby, M
000379808 700__ $$aThulasidas, M
000379808 700__ $$aTilquin, A
000379808 700__ $$aAleppo, M
000379808 700__ $$aAntonelli, M
000379808 700__ $$aRagusa, F
000379808 700__ $$aBerlich, R
000379808 700__ $$aBüscher, V
000379808 700__ $$aDietl, H
000379808 700__ $$aGanis, G
000379808 700__ $$aHüttmann, K
000379808 700__ $$aLütjens, G
000379808 700__ $$aMannert, C
000379808 700__ $$aMänner, W
000379808 700__ $$aMoser, H G
000379808 700__ $$aSchael, S
000379808 700__ $$aSettles, Ronald
000379808 700__ $$aSeywerd, H C J
000379808 700__ $$aStenzel, H
000379808 700__ $$aWiedenmann, W
000379808 700__ $$aWolf, G
000379808 700__ $$aBoucrot, J
000379808 700__ $$aCallot, O
000379808 700__ $$aChen, S
000379808 700__ $$aDavier, M
000379808 700__ $$aDuflot, L
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2073844$$9#BEARD#$$aGrivaz, J F
000379808 700__ $$aHeusse, P
000379808 700__ $$aJacholkowska, A
000379808 700__ $$aKado, M
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2073212$$9#BEARD#$$aKim, D W
000379808 700__ $$aLefrançois, J
000379808 700__ $$aSerin, L
000379808 700__ $$aVeillet, J J
000379808 700__ $$aVideau, I
000379808 700__ $$aDe Vivie de Régie, J B
000379808 700__ $$aZerwas, D
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2072305$$9#BEARD#$$aAzzurri, P
000379808 700__ $$aBagliesi, G
000379808 700__ $$aBettarini, S
000379808 700__ $$aBoccali, T
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2072940$$9#BEARD#$$aBozzi, C
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2073997$$9#BEARD#$$aCalderini, G
000379808 700__ $$aDell'Orso, R
000379808 700__ $$aFantechi, R
000379808 700__ $$aFerrante, I
000379808 700__ $$aGiassi, A
000379808 700__ $$aGregorio, A
000379808 700__ $$aLigabue, F
000379808 700__ $$aLusiani, A
000379808 700__ $$aMarrocchesi, P S
000379808 700__ $$aMessineo, A
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2069643$$9#BEARD#$$aPalla, Fabrizio
000379808 700__ $$aRizzo, G
000379808 700__ $$aSanguinetti, G
000379808 700__ $$aSciabà, A
000379808 700__ $$aSguazzoni, G
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2067151$$9#BEARD#$$aTenchini, Roberto
000379808 700__ $$aVannini, C
000379808 700__ $$aVenturi, A
000379808 700__ $$aVerdini, P G
000379808 700__ $$aBlair, G A
000379808 700__ $$aChambers, J T
000379808 700__ $$aColes, J
000379808 700__ $$aCowan, G D
000379808 700__ $$aGreen, M G
000379808 700__ $$aHutchcroft, D E
000379808 700__ $$aJones, L T
000379808 700__ $$aMedcalf, T
000379808 700__ $$aStrong, J A
000379808 700__ $$aVon Wimmersperg-Töller, J H
000379808 700__ $$aBotterill, David R
000379808 700__ $$aClifft, R W
000379808 700__ $$aEdgecock, T R
000379808 700__ $$aNorton, P R
000379808 700__ $$aThompson, J C
000379808 700__ $$aBloch-Devaux, B
000379808 700__ $$aColas, P
000379808 700__ $$aFabbro, B
000379808 700__ $$aFaïf, G
000379808 700__ $$aLançon, E
000379808 700__ $$aLemaire, M C
000379808 700__ $$aLocci, E
000379808 700__ $$aPérez, P
000379808 700__ $$aPrzysiezniak, H
000379808 700__ $$aRander, J
000379808 700__ $$aRenardy, J F
000379808 700__ $$aRosowsky, A
000379808 700__ $$aTrabelsi, A
000379808 700__ $$aTuchming, B
000379808 700__ $$aVallage, B
000379808 700__ $$aBlack, S N
000379808 700__ $$aDann, J H
000379808 700__ $$aKim, H Y
000379808 700__ $$aKonstantinidis, N P
000379808 700__ $$aLitke, A M
000379808 700__ $$aMcNeil, M A
000379808 700__ $$aTaylor, G
000379808 700__ $$aBooth, C N
000379808 700__ $$aCartwright, S L
000379808 700__ $$aCombley, F
000379808 700__ $$aHodgson, P N
000379808 700__ $$aKelly, M S
000379808 700__ $$aLehto, M H
000379808 700__ $$aThompson, L F
000379808 700__ $$aAffholderbach, K
000379808 700__ $$aBöhrer, A
000379808 700__ $$aBrandt, S
000379808 700__ $$aFoss, J
000379808 700__ $$aGrupen, Claus
000379808 700__ $$aMisiejuk, A
000379808 700__ $$aPrange, G
000379808 700__ $$aSieler, U
000379808 700__ $$aSmolik, L
000379808 700__ $$aStephan, F
000379808 700__ $$aGiannini, G
000379808 700__ $$aGobbo, B
000379808 700__ $$aPütz, J
000379808 700__ $$aRothberg, J E
000379808 700__ $$aWasserbaech, S R
000379808 700__ $$aWilliams, R W
000379808 700__ $$aArmstrong, S R
000379808 700__ $$aCharles, E
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2050990$$9#BEARD#$$aElmer, P
000379808 700__ $$aFerguson, D P S
000379808 700__ $$aGao, Y
000379808 700__ $$aGonzález, S
000379808 700__ $$aGreening, T C
000379808 700__ $$aHayes, O J
000379808 700__ $$aHu, H
000379808 700__ $$aJin, S
000379808 700__ $$aMamier, G
000379808 700__ $$aMcNamara, P A
000379808 700__ $$aNachtman, J M
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2072663$$9#BEARD#$$aNielsen, J
000379808 700__ $$aOrejudos, W
000379808 700__ $$aPan, Y B
000379808 700__ $$aSaadi, Y
000379808 700__ $$aScott, I J
000379808 700__ $$aVogt, M
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2088001$$9#BEARD#$$aWalsh, J
000379808 700__ $$aWu Sau Lan
000379808 700__ $$0AUTHOR|(CDS)2051427$$9#BEARD#$$aWu, X
000379808 700__ $$aZobernig, G
000379808 710__ $$gALEPH Collaboration
000379808 710__ $$5EP
000379808 773__ $$c193-216$$n2$$pEur. Phys. J. C$$v11$$y1999
000379808 8564_ $$u$$yFulltext
000379808 8564_ $$u$$yFulltext
000379808 852__ $$cCERN ARC Library$$hCERN-EP-99-014
000379808 8564_ $$u$$yFulltext
000379808 901__ $$uCERN
000379808 916__ $$sn$$w199908$$ya2001
000379808 960__ $$a13
000379808 961__ $$c20100723$$h1345$$lCER01$$x19990222
000379808 963__ $$aPUBLIC
000379808 970__ $$a000305374CER
000379808 980__ $$aARTICLE
000379808 980__ $$aALEPH_Papers