CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Mini symposium : Medium '98
Related conference title(s) Mini symposium : Medium '98
Date(s), location 26 - 28 Nov 1998, Osaka, Japan
Editor(s) Noro, T (ed.)
Imprint Tokyo : Universal Academy Press, 1999
Series (Frontiers of science ; 28)
Note Not held by the CERN library
ISBN 4946443533
Subject category Nuclear Physics
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Isospin in Nuclear Structure under Extreme Conditions (p. 3)
by Bortignon, P F
Current Topics of Giant Resonances (p. 17)
by Sagawa, H
Search for the IVGMR via the (3He,tn) and (3He,tp) reactions (p. 32)
by Zegers, R G T
Polarization transfer and spin response functions in quasi-elastic (&unknown; p, &unknown; n) reactions at 346 MeV (p. 45)
by Wakasa, T
Measurement of Polarization Observables in the Quasielastic Region with the (p,n) Reaction at 200 MeV : what have we learn from it(p. 52)
by Rapaport, J
DWIA Analysis of (&unknown; p, &unknown; n) Reaction at Intermediate Energy (p. 63)
by Ichimura, M
Quasielastic π-nucleus scattering at 950 MeV/c (p. 86)
by Fujii, Y
Excitation of Isovector Spin-Dipole Resonance and Neutron Skin of Nuclei (p. 91)
by Krasznahorkay, A
Double Isospin Spin Nuclear Responses for Double Beta Decays (p. 97)
by Ejiri, H
Nature of Isoscalar Spin Excitaitons Studied by Polarization Transfer (p. 107)
by Suzuki, T
Effective Interaction Observed by ^1^2C(&unknown; p, &unknown; p') Reactions at 0^o (p. 114)
by Tamii, A
Effective Interactions and Neutron Transition Densities (p. 119)
by Kelly, J J
Study of Effective NN Interaction in Nuclei via the ^2^8Si(&unknown; p, &unknown; n)^2^8P(6^-) Reaction at 295 MeV (p. 135)
by Yako, K
Conventional and non-conventional medium effects in (p, p') reactions at 200 MeV (p. 140)
by Sammarruca, F
Medium effects observed in proton elastic scattering from ^5^8Ni at intermediate energies (p. 150)
by Taki, T
Elastic Proton Scattering from ^4He at 300 MeV (p. 160)
by Yoshimura, M
Nuclear Medium Effect Studied by Means of (p, 2p) Reactions (p. 167)
by Noro, T
A Self-Consistent Relativistic Model of (p, 2p) Reactions (p. 176)
by Mano, J
Generalized Impulse Approximation applied to quasielastic polarized proton scattering (p. 183)
by Van der Ventel, B I S
Measurement of the cross sections and the vector and tensor analyzing powers for d-p elastic scattering at E~d = 270 MeV (p. 193)
by Sekiguchi, K
Experiments on p-d and n-d scattering at low energies (p. 198)
by Sagara, K
Analysis of Multistep Direct (p, p'x) and (p, nx) Reactions by Semi- Classical Distorted Wave Model (p. 205)
by Watanabe, Y
Competition between Rescattering Mechanisms and Direct Knockout in the Interaction of Protons with Nuclei (p. 212)
by Cowley, A A
AMD Study of Proton Induced Reactions (p. 220)
by Horiuchi, H
Medium Effects : Nuclear Reactions in Solids and Nucleon Resonances in Nuclei(p. 229)
by Kasagi, J
Quasi-Invariant Masses of Hadrons in Nuclei (p. 253)
by Akaishi, Y

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