CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 44th IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference
Related conference title(s) NSS '97
MIC '97
Date(s), location 9 - 15 Nov 1997, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Editor(s) Nalcioglu, O (ed.)
Imprint Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 1998 - 2 v.
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Free keywords data acquisition ; detectors ; triggers
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

XPS : a multi-channel preamplifier-shaper IC for X-ray spectroscopy(p. 5)
by Krieger, B
High speed data processing for the CMS calorimeter trigger (p. 76)
by Dasu, S
The charged trigger system of NA48 at CERN (p. 81)
by Anvar, S
TTC distribution for LHC detectors (p. 87)
by Taylor, B G
$SMI^{++}$ object oriented framework for designing control systems for HEP experiments (p. 92)
by Gaspar, C
Silicon microstrip detectors in high luminosity application (p. 154)
by Sadrozinski, H F W
Integrated gas microstrip and microgap chambers for a MicroTPC vertex detector (p. 159)
by Burks, M T
Readout for a 64 x 64 pixel matrix with 15-bit single photon counting (p. 189)
by Campbell, M
Low series noise and low power preamplifiers for cryogenic applications in the GaAs CHFET technology from Honeyewll (p. 192)
by Christoforou, G
A large dynamic front end integrated circuit for Avalanche Photo Diodes (p. 249)
by Ditta, J
Performance of the binary readout of silicon strip detectors using the radiation hard SCT128B chip (p. 253)
by Dabrowski, W
Characterization of silicon detectors with thin dead-layers on the n-side (p. 308)
by Avset, B S
C-SPRINT : a prototype Compton camera system for low energy gamma ray imaging(p. 357)
by Le Blanc, J W
Development of new scintillator and waveshifter materials (p. 369)
by Marchant, J
Study of breakdown effects in silicon multi-guard structures (p. 498)
by Bacchetta, N
Developments in GaAs pixel detectors for X-ray imaging (p. 534)
by Bates, R
Performance of a new Schottky CdTe detector for hard X-ray spectroscopy (p. 569)
by Takahashi, T
A data acquisition system for silicon microstrip detectors (p. 726)
by Adriani, O
Java online monitoring framework (p. 734)
by Ronan, Michael T
Pulse height of MIP's in an n-side silicon microstrip detector after proton irradiation with a fluence of $1 x 10^{15} p cm^{-2}$ (p. 860)
by Gómez, A
Development of radiation-hard optical links for the CMS tracker at CERN (p. 864)
by Vasey, F
Design and processing of various configurations of silicon pixel detectors for high irradiation tolerance up to $ 6 \times 10^{14} n/cm^{2}$ in LHC application (p. 882)
by Chen, W
Bipolar pulsed reset for AC coupled charge-sensitive preamplifiers (p. 887)
by Landis, D A
Automatic detection of hypoperfused areas in SPECT brain scans (p. 1318)
by Thurfjell, L
TCAD-Based Analysis of Radiation-Hardness in Silicon Detectors
by Passeri, D

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 Rekord stworzony 1998-09-29, ostatnia modyfikacja 2021-07-30