主页 > DELPHI Preprints > The small angle tile calorimeter in the DELPHI experiment |
Article | |
Report number | CERN-EP-98-132 |
Title | The small angle tile calorimeter in the DELPHI experiment |
Author(s) |
Alvsvaag, S J ; Bari, M D ; Barreira, G ; Benvenuti, Alberto C ; Bigi, M ; Bonesini, M ; Bozzo, M ; Camporesi, T ; Carling, H ; Cassio, V ; Castellani, L ; Cereseto, R ; Chignoli, F ; Della Ricca, G ; Dharmasiri, D R ; Espirito-Santo, M C ; Falk, E ; Fenyuk, A ; Ferrari, P ; Gamba, D ; Giordano, V ; Guz, Yu ; Guerzoni, M ; Gumenyuk, S A ; Hedberg, V ; Jarlskog, G ; Karyukhin, A N ; Klovning, A ; Konoplyannikov, A K ; Kronkvist, I J ; Lanceri, L ; Leoni, R ; Maeland, O A ; Maio, A ; Mazza, R ; Migliore, E ; Navarria, Francesco Luigi ; Negri, P ; Nossum, B ; Obraztsov, V F ; Onofre, A ; Paganoni, M ; Pegoraro, M ; Peralta, L ; Petrovykh, L P ; Pimenta, M ; Poropat, P ; Prest, M ; Read, A L ; Romero, A ; Shalanda, N A ; Simonetti, L ; Skaali, T B ; Stugu, B ; Terranova, F ; Tomé, B ; Torassa, E ; Trapani, P P ; Verardi, M G ; Vallazza, E ; Vlasov, E ; Zaitsev, A |
Affiliation | (Univ. Bergen) ; (Univ. Bologna and INFN Bologna) ; (CERN) ; (Univ. Genova and INFN Genoa) ; (LIP, IST, FCUL, UCP, Lisbon and Coimbra) ; (Univ. Lund) ; (Univ. Milano and INFN Milano) ; (Univ. Oslo) ; (Univ. Padova and INFN Padova) ; (IHEP Serpukov) ; (Univ. Torino and INFN Torino) ; (Univ. Trieste and INFN Trieste) |
Publication | 1999 |
Imprint | 2 Sep 1998 |
Number of pages | 24 |
In: | Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 425 (1999) 106-39 |
DOI | 10.1016/S0168-9002(98)01401-6 |
Subject category | Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN LEP ; DELPHI |
Abstract | The {\bf S}mall angle {\bf TI}le {\bf C}alorimeter ({\bf STIC}) provides calorimetric coverage in the very forward region of the DELPHI experiment at the CERN LEP collider. The structure of the calorimeters, built with a so-called ``shashlik'' technique, gives a perfectly hermetic calorimeter and still allows for the insertion of tracking detectors within the sampling structure to measure the direction of the showering particle. A charged-particle veto system, composed of two scintillator layers, makes it possible to trigger on single photon events and provides e-$\gamma$ separat ion. Results are presented from the extensive studies of these detectors in the CERN testbeams prior to installation and of the detector performance at LEP. |