Video - : The lectures are intended to provide an introduction to Quantum Field Theory at an elementary level. In particular, the following topics will be treated: 1, Basic principle of QFT; 2, Representation theory of the Poincaré group; 3, The free scalar field; 4, The free Dirac field 5, Interacting field theories; 6, Supersymmetry; 7, S-Matrix. The emphasis will be more on general concepts than on specific applications. Therefore, for most of the lectures, only a knowledge of quantum mechanics and special relativity will be assumed. Video - a : An introduction to Quantum Field Theory at an elementary level.
Video - a : Une introduction à la théorie quantique des champs à un niveau élémentaire. Video - a : Conférence sur la théorie quantique des champs
Date: 1997 Type: Conference Speech - Portraits of science -
Language: eng With a: Hermann Nicolai - c: Hermann Nicolai - d: Hermann Nicolai - a: H. Nicolai - c: H. Nicolai - d: H. Nicolai
Available video(s): CERN-VIDEO-C-347-A ; CERN-VIDEO-C-347-B ; CERN-VIDEO-C-347-C ; CERN-VIDEO-C-347-D ; CERN-VIDEO-C-347-E
- Video-338008-a view:
Series: CERN Academic Training Lecture Lectures for Postgraduate Students
Filming info: CERN, Geneva, 10 - 14 Nov 1997
From: CERN. Geneva
The video was digitized from its original recording as part of the CERN Digital Memory project Physical medium: Source is paper ; Source A is Betacam ; Source B is Betacam ; Source C is Betacam ; Source D is Betacam ; Source E is Betacam Physical location: Tape A from building 60 was packed in box CM-A00000322 Tape B from building 60 was packed in box CM-A00000322 Tape C from building 60 was packed in box CM-A00000322 Tape D from building 60 was packed in box CM-A00000322 Tape E from building 60 was packed in box CM-A00000322 Observations during digitization: Tape a: Low RF, noisy picture - Tape c: Low audio level - poor quality - out of phase - Low RF, noisy picture - Tape d: Low RF, noisy picture -