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Report number GSI-97-45
Title Sorption behaviour of W, Hf, Lu, U, and Th on ion exchangers from HCI\/$H_{2}O_{2}$ solutions : model experiments for chemical studies of seaborgium (Sg)
Author(s) Schumann, D ; Andrassy, M ; Nitsche, H ; Novgorodov, A F ; Misiak, R ; Schädel, M ; Brüchle, W ; Schausten, B ; Kratz, J V ; Bruchertseifer, H
Publication 1997
Imprint Aug 1997
Number of pages 17
Published in: Radiochim. Acta
Subject category Engineering


 Record creato 1997-10-22, modificato l'ultima volta il 2015-05-22

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