CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-PPE-96-044
Title First study of the interference between initial and final state radiation at the Z resonance

Abreu, P ; Adam, W ; Adye, T ; Agasi, E ; Ajinenko, I ; Aleksan, Roy ; Alekseev, G D ; Alemany, R ; Allport, P P ; Almehed, S ; Amaldi, Ugo ; Amato, S ; Andreazza, A ; Andrieux, M L ; Antilogus, P ; Apel, W D ; Arnoud, Y ; Åsman, B ; Augustin, J E ; Augustinus, A ; Baillon, Paul ; Bambade, P ; Barate, R ; Barbi, M S ; Bardin, Dimitri Yuri ; Baroncelli, A ; Bärring, O ; Barrio, J A ; Bartl, Walter ; Bates, M J ; Battaglia, Marco ; Baubillier, M ; Baudot, J ; Becks, K H ; Begalli, M ; Beillière, P ; Belokopytov, Yu A ; Belous, K S ; Benvenuti, Alberto C ; Berggren, M ; Bertrand, D ; Bianchi, F ; Bigi, M ; Bilenky, S M ; Billoir, P ; Bloch, D ; Blume, M ; Blyth, S ; Bolognese, T ; Bonesini, M ; Bonivento, W ; Booth, P S L ; Borisov, G ; Bosio, C ; Bosworth, S ; Botner, O ; Boudinov, E ; Bouquet, B ; Bourdarios, C ; Bowcock, T J V ; Bozzo, M ; Branchini, P ; Brand, K D ; Brenke, T ; Brenner, R A ; Bricman, C ; Brillault, L ; Brown, R C A ; Brückman, P ; Brunet, J M ; Bugge, L ; Buran, T ; Burgsmüller, T ; Buschmann, P ; Buys, A ; Cabrera, S ; Caccia, M ; Calvi, M ; Camacho-Rozas, A J ; Camporesi, T ; Canale, V ; Canepa, M ; Cankocak, K ; Cao, F ; Carena, F ; Carroll, L ; Caso, Carlo ; Castillo-Gimenez, M V ; Cattai, A ; Cavallo, F R ; Cerrito, L ; Chabaud, V ; Charpentier, P ; Chaussard, L ; Chauveau, J ; Checchia, P ; Chelkov, G A ; Chen, M ; Chierici, R ; Chliapnikov, P V ; Chochula, P ; Chorowicz, V ; Chudoba, J ; Cindro, V ; Collins, P ; Contreras, J L ; Contri, R ; Cortina, E ; Cosme, G ; Cossutti, F ; Crawley, H B ; Crennell, D J ; Crosetti, G ; Cuevas-Maestro, J ; Czellar, S ; Dahl-Jensen, Erik ; Dahm, J ; D'Almagne, B ; Dam, M ; Damgaard, G ; Dauncey, P D ; Davenport, Martyn ; Da Silva, W ; Defoix, C ; Deghorain, A ; Della Ricca, G ; Delpierre, P A ; Demaria, N ; De Angelis, A ; de Boer, Wim ; De Brabandere, S ; De Clercq, C ; La Vaissière, C de ; De Lotto, B ; De Min, A ; De Paula, L S ; De Saint-Jean, C ; Dijkstra, H ; Di Ciaccio, Lucia ; Djama, F ; Dolbeau, J ; Dönszelmann, M ; Doroba, K ; Dracos, M ; Drees, J ; Drees, K A ; Dris, M ; Dufour, Y ; Edsall, D M ; Ehret, R ; Eigen, G ; Ekelöf, T J C ; Ekspong, Gösta ; Elsing, M ; Engel, J P ; Ershaidat, N ; Erzen, B ; Espirito-Santo, M C ; Falk, E ; Fassouliotis, D ; Feindt, Michael ; Ferrer, A ; Filippas-Tassos, A ; Firestone, A ; Fischer, P A ; Föth, H ; Fokitis, E ; Fontanelli, F ; Formenti, F ; Franek, B J ; Frenkiel, P ; Fries, D E C ; Frodesen, A G ; Fulda-Quenzer, F ; Fuster, J A ; Galloni, A ; Gamba, D ; Gandelman, M ; García, C ; García, J ; Gaspar, C ; Gasparini, U ; Gavillet, P ; Gazis, E N ; Gelé, D ; Gerber, J P ; Gerdyukov, L N ; Gibbs, M ; Gokieli, R ; Golob, B ; Gopal, Gian P ; Gorn, L ; Górski, M ; Guz, Yu ; Gracco, Valerio ; Graziani, E ; Grosdidier, G ; Grzelak, K ; Gumenyuk, S A ; Gunnarsson, P ; Günther, M ; Guy, J ; Hahn, F ; Hahn, S ; Hallgren, A ; Hamacher, K ; Hao, W ; Harris, F J ; Hedberg, V ; Henriques, R P ; Hernández, J J ; Herquet, P ; Herr, H ; Hessing, T L ; Higón, E ; Hilke, Hans Jürgen ; Hill, T S ; Holmgren, S O ; Holt, P J ; Holthuizen, D J ; Hoorelbeke, S ; Houlden, M A ; Hrubec, Josef ; Huet, K ; Hultqvist, K ; Jackson, J N ; Jacobsson, R ; Jalocha, P ; Janik, R ; Jarlskog, C ; Jarlskog, G ; Jarry, P ; Jean-Marie, B ; Johansson, E K ; Jönsson, L B ; Jönsson, P E ; Joram, Christian ; Juillot, P ; Kaiser, M ; Kapusta, F ; Karafasoulis, K ; Karlsson, M ; Karvelas, E ; Katsanevas, S ; Katsoufis, E C ; Keränen, R ; Khokhlov, Yu A ; Khomenko, B A ; Khovanskii, N N ; King, B J ; Kjaer, N J ; Klein, H ; Klovning, A ; Kluit, P M ; Köne, B ; Kokkinias, P ; Koratzinos, M ; Korcyl, K ; Kourkoumelis, C ; Kuznetsov, O ; Kramer, P H ; Krammer, Manfred ; Kreuter, C ; Kronkvist, I J ; Krumshtein, Z ; Krupinski, W ; Kubinec, P ; Kucewicz, W ; Kurvinen, K L ; Lacasta, C ; Laktineh, I ; Lamblot, S ; Lamsa, J ; Lanceri, L ; Lane, D W ; Langefeld, P ; Last, I ; Laugier, J P ; Lauhakangas, R ; Leder, Gerhard ; Ledroit, F ; Lefébure, V ; Legan, C K ; Leitner, R ; Lemoigne, Y ; Lemonne, J ; Lenzen, Georg ; Lepeltier, V ; Lesiak, T ; Liko, D ; Lindner, R ; Lipniacka, A ; Lippi, I ; Lörstad, B ; Loken, J G ; López, J M ; Loukas, D ; Lutz, P ; Lyons, L ; MacNaughton, J N ; Maehlum, G ; Maio, A ; Malychev, V ; Mandl, F ; Marco, J ; Marco, R P ; Maréchal, B ; Margoni, M ; Marin, J C ; Mariotti, C ; Markou, A ; Maron, T ; Martínez-Rivero, C ; Martínez-Vidal, F ; Martí i García, S ; Masik, J ; Matorras, F ; Matteuzzi, C ; Matthiae, Giorgio ; Mazzucato, M ; McCubbin, M L ; McKay, R ; McNulty, R ; Medbo, J ; Merk, M ; Meroni, C ; Meyer, S ; Meyer, W T ; Michelotto, M ; Migliore, E ; Mirabito, L ; Mitaroff, Winfried A ; Mjörnmark, U ; Moa, T ; Møller, R ; Mönig, K ; Monge, M R ; Morettini, P ; Müller, H ; Mundim, L M ; Murray, W J ; Muryn, B ; Myatt, Gerald ; Naraghi, F ; Navarria, Francesco Luigi ; Navas, S ; Nawrocki, K ; Negri, P ; Neumann, W ; Neumeister, N ; Nicolaidou, R ; Nielsen, B S ; Nieuwenhuizen, M ; Nikolaenko, V ; Niss, P ; Nomerotski, A ; Normand, Ainsley ; Novák, M ; Oberschulte-Beckmann, W ; Obraztsov, V F ; Olshevskii, A G ; Onofre, A ; Orava, Risto ; Österberg, K ; Ouraou, A ; Paganini, P ; Paganoni, M ; Pagès, P ; Palka, H ; Papadopoulou, T D ; Papageorgiou, K ; Pape, L ; Parkes, C ; Parodi, F ; Passeri, A ; Pegoraro, M ; Peralta, L ; Pernegger, H ; Pernicka, Manfred ; Perrotta, A ; Petridou, C ; Petrolini, A ; Petrovykh, M ; Phillips, H T ; Piana, G ; Pierre, F ; Pimenta, M ; Pindo, M ; Plaszczynski, S ; Podobrin, O ; Pol, M E ; Polok, G ; Poropat, P ; Pozdnyakov, V ; Prest, M ; Privitera, P ; Pukhaeva, N ; Pullia, Antonio ; Radojicic, D ; Ragazzi, S ; Rahmani, H ; Ratoff, P N ; Read, A L ; Reale, M ; Rebecchi, P ; Redaelli, N G ; Regler, Meinhard ; Reid, D ; Renton, P B ; Resvanis, L K ; Richard, F ; Richardson, J ; Rídky, J ; Rinaudo, G ; Ripp, I ; Romero, A ; Roncagliolo, I ; Ronchese, P ; Roos, L ; Rosenberg, E I ; Rosso, E ; Roudeau, Patrick ; Rovelli, T ; Rückstuhl, W ; Ruhlmann-Kleider, V ; Ruiz, A ; Rybicki, K ; Rybin, A ; Saarikko, H ; Sacquin, Yu ; Sadovskii, A ; Sajot, G ; Salt, J ; Sánchez, J ; Sannino, M ; Schimmelpfennig, M ; Schneider, H ; Schwickerath, U ; Schyns, M A E ; Sciolla, G ; Scuri, F ; Seager, P ; Sedykh, Yu ; Segar, A M ; Seitz, A ; Sekulin, R L ; Shellard, R C ; Siccama, I ; Siegrist, P ; Simonetti, S ; Simonetto, F ; Sissakian, A N ; Sitár, B ; Skaali, T B ; Smadja, G ; Smirnov, N ; Smirnova, O G ; Smith, G R ; Solovyanov, O ; Sosnowski, R ; Souza-Santos, D ; Spassoff, Tz ; Spiriti, E ; Sponholz, P ; Squarcia, S ; Stanescu, C ; Stapnes, Steinar ; Stavitski, I ; Stichelbaut, F ; Stocchi, A ; Strauss, J ; Strub, R ; Stugu, B ; Szczekowski, M ; Szeptycka, M ; Tabarelli de Fatis, T ; Tavernet, J P ; Chikilev, O G ; Tilquin, A ; Timmermans, J ; Tkatchev, L G ; Todorov, T ; Toet, D Z ; Tomaradze, A G ; Tomé, B ; Tonazzo, A ; Tortora, L ; Tranströmer, G ; Treille, D ; Trischuk, W ; Tristram, G ; Trombini, A ; Troncon, C ; Tsirou, A L ; Turluer, M L ; Tyapkin, I A ; Tyndel, M ; Tzamarias, S ; Überschär, B ; Ullaland, O ; Uvarov, V ; Valenti, G ; Vallazza, E ; van Apeldoorn, G W ; van Dam, P ; Van Doninck, W K ; Van Eldik, J ; Vassilopoulos, N ; Vegni, G ; Ventura, L ; Venus, W A ; Verbeure, F ; Verlato, M ; Vertogradov, L S ; Vilanova, D ; Vincent, P ; Vitale, L ; Vlasov, E ; Vodopyanov, A S ; Vrba, V ; Wahlen, H ; Walck, C ; Waldner, F ; Weierstall, M ; Weilhammer, Peter ; Weiser, C ; Wetherell, Alan M ; Wicke, D ; Wickens, J H ; Wielers, M ; Wilkinson, G R ; Williams, W S C ; Winter, M ; Witek, M ; Woschnagg, K ; Yip, K ; Yushchenko, O P ; Zach, F ; Zaitsev, A ; Zalewska-Bak, A ; Zalewski, Piotr ; Zavrtanik, D ; Zevgolatakos, E ; Zimin, N I ; Zito, M ; Zontar, D ; Zuberi, R ; Zucchelli, G C ; Zumerle, G

Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 1996
Imprint 19 Mar 1996
Number of pages 16
In: Z. Phys. C 72 (1996) 31-38
DOI 10.1007/s002880050220
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEP ; DELPHI
Abstract The interference between initial and final state radiation in the process \eemm\ at $\sqs \approx \MZ$ has been studied by measuring the forward-backward asymmetry as a function of the acoplanarity angle between the final state muons. The interference is expected to be sensitive to the space-time separation of the initial and final state radiation. The measured asymmetry distribution has been compared to theoretical predictions using the \KORALZ\ generator, with and without ørdalph\ interference. The magnitude of the interference between initial and $ \pm 0.06 $ (syst.) \GeV} . \end{center} has been extracted. The interpretation of this result is discussed. There is an additional uncertainty in the estimate of \GZ\ from as yet uncalculated higher order interference terms. By assuming a value of \GZ\ consistent with the world average, the data were used to estimate the size of these uncalculated corrections. The interference between initial and final state radiation in the process \eemm\ at \sqs \approx \MZ has been studied by measuring the forward-backward asymmetry as a function of the acoplanarity angle between the final state muons. The interference is expected to be sensitive to the space-time separation of the initial and final state radiation. The measured asymmetry distribution has been compared to theoretical predictions using the \KORALZ\ generator, with and without \ordalph\ interference. The magnitude of the interference between initial and final state radiation was found to be of the order predicted and to follow the expected distribution. Using the theoretical predictions, a value of \begin{center} \mbox{ \GZ = 2.50 \pm 0.21 (stat.) \pm 0.06 (syst.) \GeV} . \end{center} has been extracted. The interpretation of this result is discussed. There is an additional uncertainty in the estimate of \GZ\ from as yet uncalculated higher order interference terms. By assuming a value of \GZ\ consistent with the world average, the data were used to estimate the size of these uncalculated corrections.

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 ჩანაწერი შექმნილია 1996-03-28, ბოლოს შესწორებულია 2018-09-24

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