CERN Accelerating science

Report number PRINCETON-HEP-95-11
Title Search for diffractive dissociation of a long-lived H dibaryon

Belz, J E ; Cousins, R D ; Diwan, M V ; Eckhause, M ; Ecklund, K M ; Fitch, Val Logsdon ; Hancock, A D ; Highland, V L ; Hoff, C H ; Hoffmann, G W ; Irwin, G M ; Kane, J R ; Kettell, S H ; Klein, J R ; Kuang Yu Ping ; Lang, K ; Martin, R D ; May, J ; McDonough, J ; Molzon, W R ; Riley, P J ; Ritchie, J L ; Schwartz, A J ; Trandafir, A I ; Ware, B ; Welsh, R E ; White, S N ; Witkowski, M T ; Wojcicki, S G ; Worm, S D

Publication 1996
In: Phys. Rev. D 53, 7 (1996) pp.3487-3491
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Rekord stworzony 1996-01-19, ostatnia modyfikacja 2015-05-21

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