CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-PPE-95-171
Title Laser-induced resonant transitions in the v=n-l-1=2 and 3 metastable cascades of antiprotonic $^{3}He atoms
Preprint titleLaser induced resonant transitions in the v = n - l - 1 = 2 and 3 metastable cascades of antiprotonic $^{3}$He atomcules

Torii, H A ; Hori, Masaki ; Ishikawa, T ; Maas, F E ; Hayano, R S ; Morita, N ; Kumakura, M ; Sugai, I ; Ketzer, B ; Daniel, H ; Hartmann, F J ; Pohl, R ; Schmidt, R ; Von Egidy, T ; Horváth, D ; Eades, John (CERN) ; Widmann, E (CERN) ; Yamazaki, T (CERN)

Affiliation (Univ. Tokyo) ; (Inst. Molecul. Sci. Okazaki) ; (INS Tokyo) ; (Tech. Univ. München) ; (KFKI Res. Inst. Part. Nucl. Phys. Budapest) ; (CERN)
Publication 1996
Imprint 16 Nov 1995
Number of pages 7
In: Phys. Rev. A 53 (1996) 1931-1934
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevA.53.R1931
Subject category Other Fields of Physics
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEAR ; PS205
Abstract Laser-induced resonant transitions in metastable antiprotonic ^3He atoms have been found. The observed transitions at wavelengths 593.388 \pm 0.001 nm and at 463.947 \pm 0.002 nm have been respectively ascribed to the (n,l) = (38,34)\,\rightarrow\,(37,33) and the (36 33)\,\rightarrow\,(35,32) transitions.

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 Journalen skapades 1995-12-19, och modifierades senast 2018-09-24

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